CoD Esports Team Camos Have Appeared in CoD: WWII – OpTic Gaming, eUnited, Rise Nation, and More!
Weapon camo skins themed after several Call of Duty esports teams have appeared in CoD: WWII.
So far, camos have been confirmed in-game for the following teams: OpTic Gaming, eUnited, Rise Nation, Mindfreak, Luminosity Gaming, Evil Geniuses, Team EnVy, Team Kaliber, UNILAD Esports, Red Reserve, Echo Fox, Splyce, and the CoD World League.
Images of these team themed weapon camos began appearing on the internet and social media on June 25th.
It appears that the only way to actually see them in-game is to load up a private match full of AI players known as ‘bots,’ which carry weapons that are emblazoned with the team designs.
Tainted Minds pro CoD player Giancarlo ‘Nimble’ Vagnini tweeted out several images showing the new skins in-game.
OpTic GamingeUnitedRise NationMindfreakLuminosity GamingEvil GeniusesTeam EnVyTeam KaliberUNILAD EsportsRed ReserveEcho FoxSplyceCall of Duty World League
Twitter user Juan Carlos Alvarado (@jdekk0s) tweeted out this image showing the OpTic Gaming weapon camo.
OpTic Gaming
Judging by the fact that these camos have not yet been confirmed or announced by developer Sledgehammer Games, it would appear that they may have been added to the game early by mistake.
Furthermore, not everyone who loads up a private match is able to see these weapon camos, which could have something to do with the upcoming ‘United Front’ DLC #3, which can be currently downloaded and played offline for everyone on PS4 that is outside of the North American region.
This article will be updated with more images of esports team weapon camos should more images of them appear online.