FaZe Simp hits out at LA Guerrillas coach Bevils over scrim controversy

Andy Williams

Atlanta FaZe’s Chirs ‘Simp’ Lehr and LA Guerillas coach Embry ‘Bevils’ Bevils have locked horns on Twitter over the use of CoD Caster during CDL scrims.

As the Call of Duty League continues to progress through its inaugural season, teams are knuckling down to put their stamp on the league.

With the season currently poised in a three-horse race for the top spot, tensions are rising as each respective team attempts to clinch the top spot.

Huntsmen, FaZe and Empire are among those currently in contention for top honors.

Following Activision’s cancellation of all forthcoming CDL home series events in light of the coronavirus outbreak, the league is set to revert to an online format to ensure that the season progresses.

With that in mind, online practice is more essential than ever. And while teams continue to put in the hours on the sticks, two were left toing and froing in a heated debate.

FaZe’s reigning world champ, Simp, ignited the dispute after sending out a Tweet stating “some of these pro teams blow my mind.”

There was no context to Lehr’s Tweet, until Guerrillas’ head coach responded.

“You try to tell us we can’t spectate a scrim last minute out of the blue, because your coaches weren’t there,” Bevils retaliated. “Am I missing the mind blowing part?”

The crux of the issue appeared to be related to the use of CoD Caster while spectating the scrims, which essentially provides coaches with a more dynamic view of the map as the battle unfolds.

Of course, the tool is designed to be used by casters at events, to give spectators a more entertaining perspective of the action.

The whole engagement was over in three minutes, and both parties appeared to go their separate ways and pursue another scrim. Nonetheless, some of their fellow CDL pros tried to see the lighter side of the debate.

With the CDL season effectively suspended until further notice from Activision, teams will be looking to cram in as much practice as possible. Stay tuned to our Call of Duty League hub as we bring you the latest as it unfolds.

About The Author

Andy is a former Dexerto games writer, with a passion for competitive shooter titles like CS:GO and Valorant.