Former CoD pro gets ripped & shatters 24-hour pull-up world record
Doug ‘Censor’ Martin was a pro Call of Duty player for over a decade before deciding to throw in the towel in early 2024. And, while Censor’s always been in good shape, a renewed focus on fitness and charity as a motivator drove him to break the world record for doing the most pull-ups in 24 hours.
What’s more, Censor’s been training to complete this challenge for well over a year. Posts dating back to 2023 show him trying to complete the challenge before hitting a wall, claiming he went until his hands started to bleed.
In July 2023, he only had about five hours of pull-ups in him, claiming that the process took its toll on his body as early as the three-hour mark.
A year and a half later, Censor beat the record with five hours to spare. Almost 9,000 pull-ups down in 19 hours, showing the record has ample room for new contenders.
Warning: The clip below is loud.
As if that wasn’t enough, Censor kept going until he hit 9,250 pull-ups and put himself far ahead of the record. At that point, though, he was done.
He followed this up by showing what his hands looked like in the aftermath; battered, bruised, heavily calloused, blistered, and close to bleeding in some places. All that effort clearly took its toll on him physically.
Censor released a video explaining how long he trained for the event, claiming that he’d been on the grind for over a year and had a goal beyond the one he reached in the record-breaking attempt: 11,111 pull-ups in 24 hours.
Though the final number for how much money he raised isn’t known yet, the highest recorded number on his stream was over $8,500.
“We’re gonna be raising money for Project Purple, which is a charity to try to save lives from pancreatic cancer. My grandmother died of pancreatic cancer when I was 12. It kind of broke our whole family,” he explained. “I switched schools at that time, too. It was a big change in my life.”
The former CoD pro claimed he wanted to take that negative emotion and “channel” it into something else, with his latest effort being training for the world record attempt.
“This process makes you the worst version of yourself humanly imaginable, that’s the easiest way I can say it. I feel so happy to be at this point because I know I’ll never have to go through it again, I know I’ll never do another record attempt like this again.”
While that’s what Censor claimed before attempting the record, it remains to be seen if he tries to tackle it again to hit the 11,111 goal he initially set for himself.