Hilariously Inappropriate Comment Sends Maven and MerK Into Hysterics Live on CoD Stream

Albert Petrosyan

Broadcasting can sometimes prove to be a very difficult profession, especially when there are thousands of people watching live.

There are times when even the most professional casters and commentators can find themselves looking silly during a live broadcast.

This was the case for Call of Duty World League casters Clint ‘Maven’ Evans and Joe ‘MerK’ DeLuca during one of the Pro League matches they were covering on June 6th.

The pair were casting a highly anticipated match between OpTic Gaming and eUnited when a slightly inappropriate comment from Maven sparked an unstoppable wave of giggles.

“I mean you’ve been in that position before where you’re just getting pounded for an entire first half, it’s got to be super frustrating.”

As soon as Maven made that comment, the expression on MerK’s face looked hilariously painful as he tried to hold back his laughter and continue on with his casting.

Throughout the sequence, both of the casters tried to maintain some composure but had to repeatedly reach for the mute button in front of them so that their hysterics could not be heard on stream.

Perhaps the funniest part of the entire clip was when Maven realized their gigging was being heard loud and clear and tried to blame it on another caster, John ‘Revan’ Boble, by saying that he was dancing off camera.

Ironically, Revan was not even at the venue during this time as he had gone to the gym.

Being the humorous person that he is, Maven took to social media after the match to explain the hilarious situation from their perspective.