How to get a Nuke in Black Ops 6

Eleni Thomas
Black ops 6 game image

The legendary Tactical Nuke killstreak returns in Black Ops 6, allowing you to decimate every opponent on the map with a giant bomb. Earning it won’t be easy, but it’s worth it for the bragging rights alone, so here’s how to get your hands on one.

Scorestreaks are a vital aspect of any Call of Duty experience; these rewards are often the difference between a win or a loss when playing through multiplayer.

In Black Ops 6, many iconic Killstreaks will once again return. The most devastating of the bunch is the game-ending Nuke, which, when earned, blows up the entire map and consequently awards the team that utilized the Killstreak the victory. 

Black Ops 6 artwork
The Nuke is a game-ending beast in Black Ops 6 but is not easy to acquire.

Black Ops 6 Nuke Killstreaks requirements 

To get a Tactical Nuke in Black Ops 6, you must get 30 kills in a row using weapons or equipment. 

Of course, you have to do this without dying, so don’t expect your 30 kills to carry over between eliminations. This is 30 kills in one life, a challenge not for the faint of heart.

Do Scorestreak kills count towards your Nuke?

No, kills acquired by using a Scorestreak do not count towards your Tactical Nuke. Treyarch has decided to make the challenge even harder in that regard, so only kills earned with your gun or equipment like grenades count toward your streak.

So don’t expect to jump in a Chopper Gunner and blast your way to it, because while they’ll be added to your scoreboard, they won’t help you in your quest.

How to call in a Tactical Nuke

Should you manage the impressive feat of earning a Nuke, then you call it in like any other Scorestreak. It will appear above the streaks you selected pre-match with a white icon, and you press left on your D-Pad to activate it.

Your character will then pull out a walkie-talkie, tap in a code, and a red bar reading “[Player name] went Nuclear. Nuke Inbound” will appear on the screen, with a five-second countdown timer. Everyone around you will start burning up, the mushroom cloud will appear, and the Nuke has been dropped. You can watch it happen below.

Skip to 2:47 if viewing on mobile.

Do Nukes end the match in Black Ops 6?

Yes, Tactical Nukes end the match in Black Ops 6, and award the victory to the team who called it in. This is a significant but welcome change from Modern Warfare 3, where a Tactical Nuke wiped out everyone in the lobby, but didn’t end the game.

Black Ops 6 Nuke calling card

If you do manage to get a Nuke in BO6, then victory isn’t your only reward. Players will unlock the special Nuclear Killer animated calling card, which you can use to show off your achievement to opponents in your lobbies going forward.

If you’re determined to get a Nuke, then you need to make sure you’re using the right classes, so check out our guide to the best Assault Rifle loadouts in Black Ops 6.