JGOD reveals best Warzone perks to use ahead of Season 2 update

Jaret Kappelman
JGOD Perks Warzone

As Warzone players prepare for Season 2, expert JGOD takes a look at every perk in the battle royale and reveals which ones are the best to use.

There are a lot of customization options available in Warzone. From different in-game cosmetics to thousands of weapon loadouts, the possibilities are endless.

While it’s important to make sure you are using the meta weapons, something that can go overlooked is the rest of the setup.

That’s why Warzone guru JGOD has gone ahead and given a breakdown for each perk in the game and says which ones are must-use in Season 2.

JGOD shows which Warzone perks are the best

In a YouTube video, JGOD talks about which perks are the most effective and why you should use them ahead of Season 2.

Since there are three different categories of perks, we have broken up JGOD’s opinion on which ones are the best to use.

Best Perk 1

Cold-Blooded perk in Warzone.

  • E.O.D.
  • Cold Blooded

Depending on playstyle, E.O.D. and Cold Blooded are the two most essential perks to run. E.O.D. will protect you from grenades and blasts why Cold Blooded keeps you hidden from Combat Scout and thermals.

For the second category you will notice that almost all of the options are great to use.

Best Perk 2

Warzone Double Barrel Shotguns

  • Restock
  • Overkill
  • Tempered
  • High Alert
  • Ghost

JGOD believes that this section of perks is the most “competitive.” All five of the perks listed above shine in their own way. Overkill lets you have an amazon loadout. Restock helps keep stuns in your pocket to setup kills. Tempered saves armor plates, High Alert makes it easier to stay alive, and Ghost lets you stay hidden from UAVs.

You will want to pick one of those and pair it up with one of these last two perks.

Best Perk 3

Warzone Gunsmith

  • Amped
  • Combat Scout

In the final category there are only two viable options according JGOD. Amped, which allows you to swap weapons faster, and Combat Scout, which lets you track enemies after doing damage to them.

These two are the best in perks in the class and are great with the other options above. As you prepare for the next season, make sure you are running with a combination of these as JGOD believes it will help tremendously.