Modern Warfare 2 players want “awesome” kill-streak free Shipment playlist back

Ryan Lemay
mw2 season 1 reloaded

Call of Duty Vanguard, Modern Warfare 2019 Cold War introduced limited-time playlists with no killstreaks, and Modern Warfare 2 players want a return.

Infinity Ward re-introduced Shipment in Season 1 reloaded. Modern Warfare 2 players praised the Shipment remake for removing the ability to climb on top of shipping containers. Decreased verticality transforms the fan-favorite map into a chaotic scramble on the floor.

Shipment’s latest iteration places the battle on top of a ship during a storm. It’s only a matter of time before we see a Shoot the Ship playlist brought back, featuring Shipment and Shoot House on an endless loop.

First impressions of Shipment have been overwhelmingly positive, but some fans questioned if games would be better with no killstreaks.

Modern Warfare 2 players have praised the re-imagined version of Shipment.

Modern Warfare 2 players want killstreak-free playlist back

A Reddit user posed an idea, “here is an idea, a Shipment playlist with no killstreaks.”

The Modern Warfare 2 player continued, “it’s already a rampage, and we don’t need mortars constantly bashing us while we spawn.”

Community members chimed in, voicing a similar sentiment.

Face off was a three versus three-game mode where players respawned after death, and no scorestreaks were allowed. The Mode appeared in Cold War and Modern Warfare 2019. Vanguard also featured a playlist with no killstreaks allowed.

One player responded, “I’d actually never put down MW2 if they dropped a Face Off mode even remotely as fun as it was in Call of Duty Cold War.”

A second commenter added, “So Barebones from the older COD games? Love it.”

Some players are fed up with killstreaks on Shipment, as a third user stated, “I legitimately can’t play it because of killstreaks. It is an unbearable experience, and I am legitimately perplexed as to how anyone willingly subjects themselves to it.” 

Nothing will prevent Shipment from being a fan-favorite map, but Modern Warfare 2 players want a fresh experience.