Modern Warfare to have “largest post-launch content” in Call of Duty history

Albert Petrosyan

Activision Blizzard have announced that the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare title will feature a heavy load of new content to be released after launch.

On August, Activision Blizzard held a conference call for their quarterly financial report, dissecting the financial status of their company for the fiscal quarter that ended on June 30, 2019.

As expected, one of the topics they touched up on was Modern Warfare, which will be the 2019 installment of the popular first-person-shooter series.

The publishers are hoping to set a very strong impression with this title, including what apparently will be a level of post-launch content never seen before in the franchise’s history.

“We have the largest post-launch content pipeline in history,” they said, when discussing Modern Warfare’s upcoming release. 

A lot of content will be released for Modern Warfare post-launch.

What is included in post-launch content?

Post-launch content is a generic term used to cover the variety of additions made to a game on top of everything it already had when it was first launched.

In Call of Duty, this generally includes new weapons, maps, game modes, cosmetic items, playable characters, and more.

Activision had already confirmed that, for the first time in CoD history, Modern Warfare will not feature a paid Season Pass, meaning that all new maps released as part of DLC will be free and available to all players.

The Season Pass concept was implemented back in 2011, and every CoD title released since Modern Warfare 3 has featured content placed behind an annual $50 pay wall. 

Players will not need to purchase a Season Pass to play new maps in Modern Warfare.

What about microtransactions? 

While the language may be trying to suggest otherwise, the lack of a Season Pass does not rule out Modern Warfare having microtransactions (MTX).

In fact, considering that Activision will lose the$50 passes as a major revenue source, it almost makes it seem more likely that MTX will, once again, play a major role in a CoD title.

The quarterly financial report on August 8 revealed that the company made $800 million in revenue from MTX over the second quarter, and the profit margins from Black Ops 4 MTX are on track to significantly surpass the WWII title from last year.

Black Ops 4’s microtransaction system is considered to be the worst in CoD history.

Speaking of Black Ops 4, the game’s MTX system is widely considered to be the worst in the history of the franchise, with some new weapons only available via loot boxes, melee weapons put on sale for outrageous prices, cosmetics locked in the item shop and more.

Players can only hope that Activision Blizzard have taken in the largely negative feedback about microtransactions and made fundamental improvements for Modern Warfare.