MW3 players slam AFK bots for “ruining” their lobbies

Brianna Reeves
mw3 afk bots

Call of Duty: MW3 players are shocked by how many AFK bots they keep encountering while playing various game modes.

AFK bots, or away from keyboard players, have long been an issue in Call of Duty titles. They’re typically used as a means for farming XP in modes without a player actually having to participate in the in-game action.

Some people like to speed up the XP grind by employing this often frowned-upon technique. Meanwhile, others long for the day when AFK bots will finally be removed in full.

Such talk didn’t stop with the recent release of Modern Warfare 3. In fact, players seem shocked by how often they’re running into AFK bots in lobbies.

MW3 players say AFK bots are “ruining” game lobbies

As previously mentioned, AFK bots are far from a new problem in the world of Call of Duty. However, fans seem to have noticed an uptick in the number of bots crowding game lobbies.

One player asked fellow users in a recent Reddit post, “anybody else noticed an insane amount of players AFK on gunfight?” A couple of people replied that they had noticed the issue, with one calling it “annoying af.”

Others argued that it’s likely people “AFK’ing the battlepass.” And someone else noted that the original poster should probably take advantage of lobbies like this, since they can be good for knocking out MW3’s camo challenges.

In a separate Reddit thread, an MW3 player shared footage of half a dozen AFK bots running around a concentrated area and shooting at the ground. “AFK bots ruining lobbies,” the caption read. The user added, “Not really sure how this is even a thing.”

While some said they’ve yet to run across this many bots, others argued they’re likely accounts “created to boost and sell.” Still, some tend to believe that the divisive skill-based matchmaking is at fault.

In either case, it would seem Call of Duty’s AFK bot problem isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.