New Black Ops Cold War leak reveals unreleased campaign footage

Theo Salaun
call of duty black ops cold war campaign

A Call of Duty leaker has revealed unreleased footage of a cutscene from the upcoming Black Ops Cold War campaign and indicated that about 18 other cutscene clips are available as well.

Using an alternate account to avoid DMCA strikes from Call of Duty’s developers, reputable leaker ‘BKTOOR’ has showcased a 31-second clip of a cutscene from Treyarch and Raven Software’s upcoming Black Ops Cold War title. 

While some official screenshots and various content have been revealed for the game’s campaign, multiplayer, and zombies modes, this is the first time that substantial campaign footage has been leaked.

With the upcoming CoD game debuting on November 13 (around a month after its open beta goes live), fans who are interested in some very light spoilers of the campaign can check out BKTOOR’s video now.

If you don’t want any spoilers at all, feel free to ignore the video and maybe stay off of Twitter for a little. In a later tweet, BKTOOR showed a folder that appears to contain 18 more similarly sized video files, suggesting that many more cutscenes could find their way to the public’s eyes within the near future.

In the video, players get to see a scarred, sunglass-rocking character overseeing an aircraft carrier loaded with helicopters and fighter jets, as one jet gets loaded up with undisclosed items and takes off. This doesn’t spoil much but does let eager fans know that at least some part of the campaign will feature a degree of naval scenery. 

As for the rest of the scenery, a variety of locations have been alluded to by some of the file names within BKTOOR’s folder.

The files indicate that a variety of different locations feature loading movies in BOCW. Of the 18, 10 appear to be for the campaign, six for the multiplayer maps, and two for Warzone.

Just looking at the file names for the campaign, it seems that the story will take place across countries like Germany, Vietnam, Nicaragua, and Russia — including at Mount Yamantau amidst the Ural Mountains.

For now, employees from Activision Blizzard have yet to respond and BKTOOR’s video and folder remain available for public viewing. It will be interesting to monitor what else CoD fans can dig up from these files and see if more content gets revealed as the game nears its official release.