SlasheR Explains Why Allowing All Weapons in Competitive CoD Would Not Mean More Variety

Ross Deason

Rise Nation’s Austin ‘SlasheR’ Liddicoat has weighed in on the weapon variety debate in competitive Call of Duty, saying “pros will find the best class and that will be used 99% of the time”.

SlasheR’s Twitter rant began with him saying “Do people actually believe that if all the guns were allowed in CoD that there would be more weapon variety? LOL”.

The 2016 world champion proceeded to state “there will ALWAYS be a BEST AR and BEST SUB no matter what’s allowed and no matter how much they want to ‘balance’”.

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This is a debate that has been raging within the competitive Call of Duty scene for years now, with some arguing that changing the core game alienates the mainstream community, and others saying that the “out of the box” version of any Call of Duty game is not viable for competitive play.

eUnited’s James ‘Clayster’ Eubanks recently suggested that Call of Duty esports should try playing 5 vs 5 and allowing all maps, weapons and more in Black Ops 4, saying that it could result in record breaking viewership.