Small Warzone streamer in disbelief after massive Aydan host & shoutout

Jacob Hale
aydan with rebirth island in background and twitch logo in corner

A small Warzone streamer was absolutely shocked when top Twitch star Aydan hosted him on the platform and gassed him up on Twitter — and he went on to win his Rebirth match in dominant fashion too.

Aydan has been one of the biggest names in the battle royale genre for years. Once a top Fortnite pro, he made the switch to Warzone and was even more dominant, becoming the first player to hit $300k earnings and generally being considered one of the best players, particularly in Verdansk.

With his insane popularity and incredible stream numbers, a host from Aydan would be huge for pretty much anyone — but for a small streamer that’s barely got over 300 followers, it’s potentially life-changing.

That’s exactly what happened with hpoT_, who doubled his follower count in a matter of minutes and received an influx of subscribers and gifted subs after the host.

In the stream, hpoT kept thanking Aydan and trying to keep up with his chat, which was no doubt far more active than he was used to seeing it, as 1.5k viewers gassed up the young streamer.

hpoT made Aydan proud with his performance after the host, too. His movement was cracked and his gunskill was second to none, even with the new pressure facing him and the nerves of having that many eyes on him.

He won the game on Rebirth Island, complete with 360 quickscope snipes and finishing moves in abundance, putting on a show for his newfound fanbase.

Maybe Aydan was right — hpoT could have a solid future as a Warzone competitor if he puts his mind to it.