Swagg mindblown by Warzone hackers already using unreleased Godzilla skin

Sourav Banik
Swagg has recently reacted on the upcoming Godzilla skin in Warzone

Popular streamer Kris “Swagg” Lamberson was stunned after coming across hackers who have already started to use the unreleased Godzilla skin in Warzone.

The Godzilla weapon skin is going to be a cosmetic exclusive to the Godzilla vs Kong event that is scheduled to go live on public servers on May 11, 2022. However, hackers have already started using it prior to the event’s official release.

This event comes just a couple of weeks after the Season 3 ‘Classified Arms’ update went live on April 27. Swagg, one of Faze’s content creators, showed his reaction to this incident in his recent YouTube video.

Swagg on Warzone hackers who already started using the unreleased Godzilla skin

Godzilla vs King Kong Event will arrive to Warzone with Operation Monarch
Godzilla vs King Kong Event will arrive at Warzone with Operation Monarch.

Swagg came across the skin in one of his recent videos, where a player had the Godzilla gun hack already equipped. This wasn’t limited to the cosmetic hack, but even went full-on with his ray checking hacks – an unethical aid that snaps the aim instantly onto an opponent’s head after highlighting them.

Later on, it was found that the player had the entire Godzilla collection equipped. He even inspected the gun and showed off its animation.

After showing off the weapon, a bluish flame emitted from the nozzle of the gun as long as it was in its animation. The entire body of the cosmetic resembles the skin of Godzilla, with a blue light emitting from the edges of its scales.

Swagg was impressed with the overall outlook of the weapon and expressed his desire of getting this cosmetic when it officially releases on May 11.

“Oh my god, he’s showing the skin and the execution. Oh, I need that, I need that!” he exclaimed.

The hacker had equipped this skin on the STG, an assault rifle known for shredding opponents almost instantly. It’s quite popular among the players in the community for its effectiveness.

This weapon is one of the best guns in the game and is also available for free, from the early stage of the game.

Swagg and his teammates had a laugh when the hacker was downed by an enemy, despite having every possible hack equipped, calling the player “trash.”

The popular Warzone streamer was entertained throughout the entire video. The hacker was jumping, running, and shooting through the walls every now and then. This made Swagg joke about his ‘unrealistic’ abilities.

His mind was blown especially when the finishing move animation was shown by the hacker. It literally tossed the opposing player up in the air and the word that followed after the animation said, ‘Fatality.’

“I want this variant dude, it’s so cool!,” Swagg said. “The sound it makes is so insane.”

The hacker had the Godzilla operator skin equipped, as well. He showed it during the animation of jumping off the aircraft.

Unfortunately, players using such hacks or exploits will be eventually banned by developers. However, occurrences like this do increase the hype of a highly-anticipated cosmetic in the game.

The Godzilla vs King Kong event will debut on May 11, 2022, and players including Swagg have to wait until the cosmetic officially gets released.

The update will go live for all devices that include Windows PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.