Three ways CDL teams can finally beat Atlanta FaZe

Jacob Hale

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Atlanta FaZe are the unanimous number one team in the Call of Duty League this season — but how can their opposition beat them? Here’s what they need to do.

Atlanta have been borderline unstoppable all season. Their Stage 2 Major loss to Toronto Ultra was a serious shock, but since then they seem to have only become an even better squad, with losses very few and far between.

That said, they have lost. As well as their shock loss to LA Guerrillas earlier in the season, they’ve been beaten by both Toronto Ultra and New York Subliners (twice).

So, what’s the secret? What do teams need to do to make beating FaZe a real possibility on more than a one-off basis?

Simp playing in the Call of Duty League
Atlanta FaZe are undoubtedly the top team.

On Reverse Sweep Round 11, Andrew ‘Enigma’ Campion pointed out the three key areas in which teams can capitalize and take advantage of Atlanta, helping secure the win. Here’s what he came up with.

  1. Slow down their ARs: One key area in which teams have successfully managed to beat Atlanta is by slowing down their assault rifle players. Leaving SMGs aBeZy and Simp more isolated as they attempt to push objectives has been a surefire way for teams to capture wins.
  2. Play the veto game: FaZe have an incredible map pool and are very strong even on their weaker maps. The maps teams should attempt to play against them are Apocalypse Hardpoint, Express and Miami on Search & Destroy and, in Control, Checkmate is their least favorite.
  3. Play for first blood in S&D: ABeZy gets 22% of first bloods in Atlanta’s Search & Destroy matches. They play a slow, methodical game, and aBeZy is almost always the first into the action and giving his team the man advantage. Teams should try to fly at a bombsite and get the bomb down, says Enigma, with FaZe not the strongest at retaking sites and getting the defuse.

Obviously, when coming up against a team like Atlanta FaZe, even their weaknesses would be recognized as strengths with other teams. Sure, you can target their ‘weaker’ maps, but they’re still going to be a formidable opponent.

That said, with these three key things in mind, it will be interesting to see whether teams take heed against them at the Stage 4 Major and consider these points. It could be the difference between an early exit or Major victory.