Treyarch tease return of fan-favorite Specialist in Black Ops 4 Operation Apocalypse Z

Albert Petrosyan

The next Operation content stream in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 will see the return of a Specialist from Black Ops 3, according to a new teaser put out by developers Treyarch.

With Operation Spectre Rising coming to an end in Black Ops 4, Treyarch have already announced that it will be followed by Operation Apocalypse Z.

In anticipation of the upcoming event, the developers have changed the profile picture of their official Twitter account to a teaser for the new Specialist that will be introduced.

However, for those who played Black Ops 3, the Specialist will not be new at all, as the teaser is clearly for the Reaper, one of the more oft-used characters in the third Black Ops title. 

In fact, Reaper has already existed in Blackout battle royale as a playable character for several months now, so most players should already be familiar with it once it rolls into Multiplayer. 

Treyarch’s new profile pic on Twitter strongly suggests that the Reaper will be the next Specialist added in Black Ops 4.

The Reaper, whose official name was Experimental War Robot-115, was one of the more powerful Specialists in Black Ops 3, especially towards the start of the game.

Its Specialist Weapon was the Scythe, a deadly minigun that would protrude from its arm and shred enemy players apart with an incredibly high fire rate. 

It’s Ability, Psychosis, allowed it to deploy three translucent yellow decoys and hide among them, throwing off enemies until it was too late. 

That being said, if the Reaper does get brought back in Black Ops 4, there is no guarantee that its Weapon and Abilities will be identical to its version from the previous title.

Once added, it would become the 14th Specialist available in Multiplayer, and the fourth to be added after the game’s release, joining Zero, Outrider, and Spectre. 

Operation Apocalypse Z coming soon

Operation Apocalypse Z could see Zombies added to Multiplayer.

Operation Apocalypze Z, the fifth major content stream in Black Ops 4, is expected to contain a flurry of new content for Multiplayer, Zombies, and Blackout.

While not much information has been officially announced about this next Operation, data-miners have already leaked details about it, such as some of the weapons that will be added and the fact that there could be Zombies added in Multiplayer.

The official launch date for this event is July 9, 2019 on PlayStation 4, releasing on the Xbox One and PC seven days later.