Warzone 2 expert reveals “best TTK” close-range build that’s as good as the meta Fennec

Filip Krawanski
Chimera Warzone 2

Warzone 2 veteran WhosImmortal has revealed a new Chimera build which he claims has the “best TTK” at close range, comparable to even the Fennec which is currently the meta gun for short-distance gun fights.

Despite being in the game since mid-December 2022, the Chimera was not utilized much by Warzone 2 players. According to WZ Ranked, this weapon was sitting at a 1,6% pick rate at the start of January.

But it seems more and more people recognize the potential of this close-range assault rifle as the weapon is gaining popularity, reaching almost a 3% pick rate as of January 18.

WhosImmortal, an expert Warzone 2 content creator, claims that this weapon can even go toe to toe with the absolutely meta-dominant submachine gun, the Fennec. His January 21 video details which specific build this Call of Duty veteran had in mind.

Timestamp – 9:07

Warzone 2 “best TTK” Chimera build

“You get a nice balance of control and speed here, making this thing obviously ridiculously consistent,” said WhosImmortal while showcasing the weapon. The content creator then added: “And as we saw its TTK can hold its own even now against the Fennec. So, a great, great, close-range choice.”

The full customization is as follows: 

  • Underbarrel: FTAC Ripper 56
  • Barrel: 6.5″ EXF Vorpal
  • Laser: VLK LZR 7MW
  • Magazine: 45 Round Mag
  • Rear grip: Bruen Flash Grip

The interesting thing to note is the usage of the barrel, an attachment that many content creators for Warzone 2 usually forgo, in favor of a muzzle. But WhosImmortal thinks it is great to have for damage range and mobility combo.

Players interested in trying out this Chimera blueprint for themselves in should back up their close-range primary with a ranged option like the RPK light machinegun, or the TAQ V battle rifle.

About The Author

Filip is a Belgium-based journalist who was formerly on Dexerto's UK team. He spends his free time clearing out his endless gaming backlog or burning something in the kitchen. You can contact Filip at filip.krawanski@dexerto.com