Warzone 2 player manages to turn a helicopter into a submarine

Ryan Lemay
warzone 2 helicopter glitch

A Warzone 2 player tested the limits of the light helo, transforming it into a submarine.

Warzone 2’s implementation of water received mixed reviews. Players have taken advantage of the feature to camp underwater and pop up to steal easy kills. Community members have also blasted final circles for forcing them into water combat.

Players were already concerned about water being overpowered, and their fears may soon become worse. A WZ2 user unearthed a way to use helicopters underwater.

Warzone 2 player discovers new way to use helicopter

warzone throwing knife
Warzone 2 introduces several new vehicles to the battlefield.

A Warzone 2 player flew a helicopter straight into the water and, instead of blowing up, discovered the light helo can fly underwater.

The user floated the helicopter on top of the water to accomplish the feat and jumped out. As the chopper began submerging, they jumped back in and flew underwater before coming back to the surface.

“So apparently, this game has a submarine with blades.”

One player responded, “Imagine a water final circle, and someone flies out of the water! I’d lose my sh**.”

A second user added, “It looks like the helo was taking minimal damage the entire time it was underwater, look at the damage at the start of the clip compared to the end.”

Despite having dangerous implications, the clip received praise as a third commenter said, “that’s pretty dope.”

Thankfully players won’t be able to abuse the glitch if helicopters do take damage. However, don’t be surprised if you end up losing your next match to someone using this method.