Warzone 2 streamer tries to turn off enemy’s Xbox with proximity chat: “Xbox, turn off”

Alex Garton
Warzone 2 proximity chat

Warzone 2 streamer Jon ‘I Got Puppies’ Schaefer attempted to turn off an enemy’s Xbox with proximity chat and although an opponent disconnected, the community is divided over whether he managed to pull it off.

Proximity chat in Warzone 2 allows players to talk to their enemies in the nearby area during a match.

While a lot of competitors view this as a huge disadvantage, some members of the community enjoy intimidating their foes or distracting them before an aggressive push.

As expected, certain players have attempted to take the use of proximity chat to the next level by turning off an opponent’s console with voice commands.

Warzone 2 streamer I Got Puppies attempted this and an opponent immediately disconnected, but the community is divided over whether it was just a coincidence.

Warzone 2 proximity chat
Proximity chat allows players to talk to their enemies in Warzone 2.

Warzone 2 streamer attempts to turn off opponent’s Xbox

After reaching the final ring and realizing an opponent was using proximity chat, Warzone 2 streamer I Got Puppies decided to use it to their advantage.

Unmuting his mic in-game, he proceeded to clearly say “Xbox, turn off” out loud. Following this, a bunch of players seemingly disconnected or left the match and I Got Puppies was left shocked, revealing to his chat that he thinks “it might have actually worked”.

It’s worth noting that this is only possible if any enemy has proximity chat on, has their sound coming through their speakers, and has voice commands switched on.

Although a set of enemies disconnected as soon as I Got Puppies spoke in proximity chat, not everyone is convinced that the tactic worked. Some users point out that the “The player count stayed the same at the top don’t think it worked for him sadly”.

As a result, a lot of commenters have put the disconnections down to “lucky timing”, with others even claiming that “people who play the audio through the speaker rather than a headset deserve this.”

Either way, you can expect a lot of players in proximity chat to be copying this technique, so it’ll be interesting to see if someone can make it work in the future.