Warzone hackers meet streamer demands by adding “flying cars” to the game

Brad Norton
Warzone flying cars

Flying cars are now a real thing to be cautious of in Warzone. After popular streamers like FaZe Kalei ‘requested’ the feature, hackers met their demands and fundamentally changed the game.

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, after months of terrorizing Warzone with their aimbots and wallhacks, cheaters have now done the unthinkable: Flying cars are real and they will haunt your dreams. 

Hackers have now developed the tools to launch their vehicles sky-high. At any given moment, they can soar into the air and gain an outrageous advantage over everyone else in the lobby.

Not only do they provide a full view of the map, but they also have the ability to lock on, no different from an aimbot.

This means a motorbike or a truck could genuinely crash down from the heavens and wipe out your entire squad in an instant.

While this may seem like a novel idea, amusingly enough, it was actually spurred on by the Warzone community.

“I wanna see flying cars next,” FaZe Clan star KaleiRenay joked in a September 5 tweet. Three days later, hackers met her demands.

It took barely any time for Warzone’s finest cheaters to rise to the challenge. Flying vehicles are in effect and those with access can outright dominate any match without having to leave the seat of their car.

Theoretically, hackers can now win a game of Warzone without having to fire a single bullet. Instead, their magical vehicles of destruction can do all the damage for them.

If this astounding hack took just three days to develop, it makes you wonder what else is possible. When cheaters set their minds to it, it almost seems as though there’s nothing they can’t do in Warzone.

We’ve already seen them gifting max-ranked accounts to popular streamers, and even playing with unreleased skins. Now, we have flying vehicles to worry about each time we drop into Verdansk.