Warzone players create armed trucks with new Sentry Gun

Jaret Kappelman

The Warzone Season Four Reloaded patch saw the Sentry Gun introduced to Verdansk for the first time. Now, players are finding new ways to use the automatic turret in fun and creative ways.

Players have found a new innovative way to deploy the Sentry Gun killstreak in Warzone by creating armed trucks. Only two things are needed to make this armed truck in Warzone, a Sentry Gun and a cargo truck.

Clips have been flying around Twitter and Reddit showing off the new killstreak and all it is capable of doing. This new strategy shows how to take a mounted turret and make it mobile.

Warzone Turret gameplay
The Sentry Gun Killstreak was introduced to Warzone with the Season Four Reloaded update.

Armed Trucks in Warzone?

A clip on Reddit went viral when “Billyooo” posted a the video of his squad driving around in a cargo truck with the Sentry Gun placed in the back.


In the clip, you can see that the turret doesn’t start firing right away as it usually would if it was placed on the ground. However, when the truck is driving at a slower pace or not moving the Sentry Gun goes to work on enemies.

This mechanic could change the way people value trucks in Warzone. Players can deploy the turret, drive up to a fight, and basically have an additional teammate to help spray down enemies.

The only flaw with this new tactic is that the Sentry Gun will not start shooting at people if you are driving too fast. So players need to keep in mind they will not be able to pull off a drive-by with the Sentry Gun.

The sentry is just the first of what’s to come, with rumors that the Vanguard Warzone update will bring new vehicles, potentially with built-in weapons. This includes tanks, boats, and even airplanes.

This is a new way to have fun playing Warzone, even if it is immensely frustrating for players downed by a reversing truck and a turret.