Warzone players plead for devs to copy Apex Legends aim assist nerfs

Ryan Lemay
Warzone ADS

Upon seeing Apex Legends remove aim flinch from all weapons and almost all Legend abilities, Warzone players want the Call of Duty development team to follow suit.

Apex Legends makes a few bold changes in Season 22. Respawn have confirmed that aim assist is currently “too strong,” especially when it comes to PC players using controllers. As a result, they’re reducing it’s strength by 25%.

And players were ecstatic, when the devs also announced that aim flinch is almost entirely removed. This means players will be able to maintain their aim on an enemy regardless of whether they are receiving opposing fire.

This is also an inadvertent nerf to controllers, as aim assist helped with the flinch and recoil. Some CoD players are envious and want that change to be made in Warzone as well.

IceManIsaac claimed, “Actions like this will bring back massive amounts of MnK (mouse and keyboard) players who have given up on Warzone after years playing absurd AA and visual recoil. It also increases the skill gap for controller players.”

Professional Warzone player HusKerrs responded, “I still firmly believe they can find just the right nerf to aim assist that’ll increase the aiming skill gap overall and make those close-range engagements with KBM (keyboard and mouse) players more balanced while the 90% casual player base doesn’t even notice it.”

Fellow battle royale competitor Swag disagreed with IceManIsaac and said, “Tweaking on this one lol.”

IceManIsaac pushed back and argued that “countless” mouse and keyboard players like streamers Shroud and Summit1G will never play Warzone because of how strong aim-assist is for controller players.

However, most community members in the comment section agreed aim flinch doesn’t belong in Warzone.

Warzone content creator TheTacticalBrit added, “This is the way forward. Warzone will forever be devoid of a skill gap without meaningful mechanics changes to AA, hotboxes and hit reg/servers.”

It’s unclear if Raven Software or any Call of Duty development teams have plans to address aim flinch in future titles. Modern Warfare 3 improved visual recoil from its predecessor, but players want the devs to go one step further.