Warzone star Biffle proves difference between streamer & pro in “cracked” Shipment 1v1

Theo Salaun
warzone diazbiffle crazy shipment modern warfare 1v1 pro vs streamer

If you’re wondering why some Call of Duty: Warzone players are called pros and others are called streamers, here’s your answer. In a Shipment 1v1 with FaZe Santana, Diaz Biffle looked like he plays a completely different game.

Practically every time we post an article saying “Warzone pro,” readers say things like “they’re just a streamer,” “Warzone doesn’t have professional players” or some other, possibly more colorfully-worded, variation.

But people who make money off of competing in a game are professionals and, kindly enough, Diaz Biffle proved why we differentiate between pros and more casual streamers. (A fitting demonstration after we showed the difference between CDL pro and above-average player in Vanguard.)

Asked by Nuke Squad’s FaZe Santana for a 1v1 on Modern Warfare 2019’s Shipment, Biff showed exactly why it’d be a disservice to just call him ‘just a streamer.’ Cracked movement, an absurd gunny — the guy simply looked like he was playing a different game.

As you can see in the clip Santana shared to Twitter, Biff’s movement is shocking. A relentless grinder, the FaZe streamer’s K/D is miles higher than most, yet he still couldn’t believe what he was seeing: “Oh my god, bro … What the f**k was that?!”

And no, that wasn’t just an exception during a competitive match. Biff spent the entire game flying around, breaking cameras and ankles en route to a 20-2 victory.

Yes, he won 20-2 against a FaZe Clan streamer who plays the game for hours daily.

Of course, Biff isn’t just your standard pro player. One of the top-10 earners in Warzone and a regular fixture in our monthly power rankings, the guy is as demonic as they come.

But it’s interesting to see just how high the skill gap gets. While Biff smoked Santana on Shipment, things were much closer when he faced his duo, SuperEvan. Still, even Ev was confused — calling Diaz a lot of things, but mostly a “f**king weirdo.”

Unlike casuals, most streamers and pros share the exact same setups: high-powered PCs, great monitors, custom controllers.

But, as you’ve now seen (or struggled to see, while Biff ripped around corners like a glitch in the matrix), there’s still a difference between players at the highest level.