Why Spotter might be the most underrated perk in Warzone

Theo Salaun

Over the past few weeks, some players have showcased how powerful the Spotter perk can actually be in Call of Duty’s newest battle royale, Warzone.

Loadouts are absolute game-changers in Warzone and perks are a major reason why. Aside from getting your favorite guns, you also get three abilities – perks 1, 2, and 3 – that grant unique advantages in the battle royale.

While Cold-Blooded and Ghost may be obvious choices for your first and second categories, Spotter is proving to be an intriguing option for the third.

As shown by Redditor Aboodx, Spotter can be deployed with potent, destructive consequences. It makes enemy equipment visible through walls, allowing you to mark them and, more importantly, hack them so that they begin bearing murderous intent toward their original owners. 

While the perk isn’t so useful against active lethal equipment, like manually detonated C4 or frag grenades, it is effective against claymores and proximity mines—which are becoming increasingly abundant along stairs and doors since players love to camp elevated positions.

Just yesterday, another Redditor by the name of dcur3 demonstrated how useful hacking can be—even if the equipment doesn’t get triggered. By taking over a stairway’s proximity mines, he is able to turn his enemies’ safety blanket into a false sense of security and head upstairs for a full team wipe. And he had a simple, albeit foul-mouthed reaction to it: “f***ing satisfying.

There are other options under the perk 3 category, the most intriguing being Amped and Tracker. For fast-paced playstyles, Amped is key since it lets you swap weapons, reload rocket launchers, and use equipment faster.

Tracker, meanwhile, displays enemy footprints, making engagements much less confusing (and familiar for Apex Legends’ Bloodhound mains). 

Don’t get us wrong, both of those are more than viable options within the battle royale, but all we’re saying is that Spotter should definitely be getting a lot more attention than it has been.

The Spotter perk lets you view opposing equipment through walls, and make them your own.

Players certainly need to determine which tools best complement their tendencies, but the ability to control opposing traps is particularly appealing in a game so littered with them.

While you absolutely do not have to choose it as your perk, be sure not to underrate it either.