Mimir tags along for incredible God of War-inspired Freya cosplay

Brianna Reeves
manulysart god of war freya cosplay

Dollmaker and cosplayer ‘Manulysart’ recreated the head of Mimir to go along with their amazing God of War-inspired Freya cosplay.

Freya played an integral part in God of War (2018), spending much of the narrative acting as an ally to Kratos and Atreus.

Notably, she often went out of her way to set the father and son duo on the right path to the Nine Realms’ highest peak.

By the end of the tale, however, Kratos had made an enemy of the Norse Goddess. And trailers for God of War: Ragnarok suggest the pair won’t soon make amends.

The wise Mimir appears in stunning God of War Freya cosplay

Cosplayer and dollmaker Manulysart went above and beyond when designing their Freya cosplay.

In addition to crafting an outfit modeled after the beloved God of War character, the artist also built a replica of Mimir’s head.

Manulysart managed to incorporate Freya’s tattoos and various accessories into the overall design, as well. The results are impeccable, evidenced in photos recently shared via the God of War subreddit.

Manulysart freya cosplay god of war
Manulysart as God of War’s Freya.
Manulysart god of war freya cosplay mimir
Mimir tags along for the ride.

Thus far, God of War faithfuls seem wildly impressed by the Freya cosplay. One Reddit user, in particular, said they thought the photos were “part of the game” at first. UncleCletus00 chimed in to say they “legitimately thought this was [a] painting.”

How exactly Freya will factor into Kratos’ and Atreus’ upcoming adventure presently remains to be seen. However, the little shown of her in pre-release material indicates there’s still bad blood between the former friends.

The wait to see how it all pans out is, fortunately, coming to end, though. God of War: Ragnarok hits store shelves for the PS4 and PS5 later this fall on Wednesday, November 9.