Legendary Overwatch cosplay captivates with face-changing Sombra skin

Brad Norton
Overwatch Sombra Face Changer skin

While Overwatch’s Lunar New Year event is coming to an end on February 5, a talented cosplayer dedicated themselves to recreating Sombra’s new face-changing Legendary just in time to see the annual event closeout.

From the Guan Yu Reinhardt skin to Roadhog’s Feast intro, there are dozens of unique Lunar New Year items in Blizzard’s popular hero shooter thanks to four years of annual content drops.

The 2020 event introduced a plethora of new emotes and intros, but arguably the most impressive feature is the new Face Changer Sombra skin. An intricate Legendary unlock, the design stands as one of the more unique in Overwatch history yet talented cosplayers have already brought the costume to life.

Sombra Lunar New Year Face Changer skin
The Legendary Sombra skin in all of its glory.

Promoted on the official Overwatch Twitter account, a design by CBG studio brought the new Legendary cosmetic into the real world as Wang Jun Yi embodied the Talon hacker.

Dashing around an appropriately themed locale, the cosplayer gave a full demonstration of the costume in effect. From the minuscule details of each intricate pattern to the sleek design of her accompanying weapon, no amount of effort was spared in recreating the face-changer skin.

Thanks to some clever editing, the skin appears to change face multiple times throughout the video, perfectly capturing the unique in-game effect of the item. 

Swapping between distinct orange and red designs, the design appears to come boasting a handful of interchangeable headpieces to dazzle nearby spectators.

A much more flexible and lightweight design than various other Overwatch cosplays, this costume is sure to be a breeze to display at conventions or even throughout Lunar New Year festivities. 

Coming into the game with a completely unique effect, the face of the cosmetic switches every few seconds while playing as Sombra. As no other skin has ever been so fluid throughout Overwatch before, a number of unique challenges arose throughout its development.

Overwatch Sombra cosplay
The cosplay features a number of interchangeable faces to align with its in-game counterpart.

Overwatch fans will have to wait another year to see which heroes get new skins the next time that the LNY event rolls around. Coming to a close on Feb 5, the window is closing for you to purchase this 2020 Sombra skin in-game.

Wang Jun Yi wasn’t the first cosplayer to unveil a LNY skin, however, with D.Va’s Palanquin Legendary was also authentically realized by one crafty creator.