Streamer somehow manages to send AWP flying over roof in CS:GO

Former professional CS:GO player and now full-time streamer Erik ‘Fl0m’ Flom somehow managed to get an AWP in an unusual place.

Fl0m asks for an AWP from his teammate and gets one, but his teammate takes the returned gun and throws it on the roof.

Fl0m jokingly calls him toxic and tries to get the gun down from the roof using a grenade.

Instead of returning to him, the AWP goes flying onto the rooftops and Fl0m starts dying of laughter while his chat fills with “Omegaluls.”

The best part of the clip is that somehow the gun actually came down in the alleyway on the other side of the buildings.

After the match ended, Fl0m went to Reddit to find the clip, rewatch it and have his chat send it to the top of the subreddit.

Technically that isn’t against the subreddit’s official rules and the clip gained a solid amount of support.

The Reddit comments even added a new perspective which shows the AWP bouncing and landing in the bush near where Fl0m was posted up.

via Gfycat

The comments also provided the embarrassing detail that the team somehow lost a 5v1 after this clip happened. At least Fl0m got the Reddit karma, internet points are more important than ESEA standings anyway.