Destiny 2 cheat seller responds to Bungie lawsuit by claiming they made the game better

Andrew Highton
destiny 2 guardians stood together

Destiny 2 cheats are fair game according to one cheat seller who says that Bungie: “Want to make it illegal because they cannot govern their own players.”

As well as Bungie’s Destiny 2, it seems that cheating is prevalent in almost any game that features some kind of online component with the likes of Call of Duty: Warzone being rife with cheaters, as well as Apex Legends.

They’re primarily implemented to gain an unfair advantage in a game and can range from recoilless, unmissable aimbot hacks to cheats that allow you to see enemy players through walls, illegally.

Destiny 2 makers Bungie recently won a lawsuit against a company who were distributing cheats for the game and won a ton of money in the process. But now another cheat seller has quite simply said that cheating is not illegal.

Destiny 2 cheat sellers have caused “grievous harm”

AimJunkies/Phoenix Digital has issued a full statement on the scenario and they think that an “un-named company purchased AimJunkies software and turned it over to their employer to decompile and analyze.”

The company believes they have done no wrong and are merely offering Destiny 2 players a service, which has proved to be successful: “Bungie also claims that we caused grievous harm to their game when in fact some of their most popular months of player counts and sales were during the time Aimjunkies offered their software products.”

The consensus of AimJunkies/PhoenixDigital is that Bungie does not have a leg to stand on and to not “believe 90% of what they assert in their filings.”

The statement then makes the bold claim that “cheating is not illegal” and that “companies want to make it illegal because they cannot govern their own players.”

It continues by saying that Bungie is “looking to the courts to do what they are too impotent to do on their own, even with the vast resources and techologies at their disposal.”

They wrap up by claiming that they have “offered to work with Bungie to acquire multiple solutions to their problem,” but Bungie has remained steadfast in their stance, and “their pride and bully mentality prohibits them from thinking outside of the box.”

Cheating is always going to be a controversial topic no matter what the medium, so it’ll be interesting to see if Bungie acknowledges this statement and if they have a rebuttal.

It’s a shame for Destiny 2 players as the whole situation, as well as the ongoing harassment and death threats aimed at staff, could overshadow Destiny 2: Season of the Haunted and even derail Season 18 before it gets going.