Destiny 2 devs respond to fan criticism over “silence” on Gambit mode

Lloyd Coombes
Destiny 2 screenshot showing The Drifter, the Gambit vendor

Destiny 2’s Gambit mode will finally see some changes in year 5 following the Witch Queen expansion, as confirmed by a Bungie comment on the game’s subreddit.

Destiny 2 is going through a bit of a lull at the moment as players wait for The Witch Queen expansion to arrive alongside Season 16. That’s put a greater emphasis on the three pillars of Destiny playlist activities – Vanguard Strikes, Crucible PvP, and Gambit.

As players have noticed, though, one of those modes isn’t quite getting the love of its siblings. Gambit, a mode originally introduced in 2018’s Forsaken expansion, is lacking in reasons to play and meaningful changes since it was merged with Gambit Prime in 2020.

Conversely, the Crucible PvP mode Trials of Osiris has been receiving constant tweaks and rebalancing through the Trials Lab – and one fan took to the game’s subreddit to express concern.

Bungie promises Destiny 2 Gambit changes following Witch Queen

Destiny 2 Gambit gameplay
Gambit needs an overhaul, but Bungie has promised its keeping an eye on the mode.

Redditor Darth_Onaga noted that we “need love for Gambit,” saying they’d take “more maps at a bare minimum,” while also floating the idea of unique objectives to help earn motes (Gambit’s currency which is banked during a match).

Other players soon chimed in, with many calling for new maps (or even unvaulted ones), while others noted that many of the Gambit weapons available from its vendor, The Drifter, are disappointing rewards.

The post soon gained enough traction that Bungie’s community manager, dmg04, soon responded.

“Team is looking at Gambit during the year of Witch Queen. Understand the frustration on silence. We’ve made some hints along the way, but have yet to say anything specific,” he said.

“Trials and Trials Labs are our first swing at updating support for ritual activities. This isn’t just a testbed for improving Trials, but looking at our internal processes for patchwork and prioritization so we can improve our workflows for future ritual support.”

The comment also said that players should “stay tuned,” and that while the Trials of Osiris that Darth_Onaga mentioned are being noted, they’re expected at this point.

It’s clear that Witch Queen could represent a huge moment for Destiny 2, but we’ll have to wait and see if everything Bungie has promised will come to pass.

For more on Destiny 2, be sure to check out our guide content. And don’t forget, Bungie’s 30th Anniversary content is right around the corner.

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