Destiny 2 devs urge Guardians to “go have fun” with insane Exotic bug

Liam Ho
Destiny 2 1 Thousand Voices

Bungie has allowed Guardians to “go have fun” with unlimited One Thousand Voices ammo thanks to an unintended bug that massively shook up a week-long sword event.

Destiny 2 is celebrating one of the game’s weapon archetypes with a week-long event that sees players regenerating ammo. This event allows Guardians to run around with Swords all week long, with no punishment for swinging like crazy in content like strikes, Gambit, and the Crucible.

However, an unintentional bug has crept into the event, resulting in the Exotic fusion rifle One Thousand Voices regenerating ammo the same way swords do. And while on paper this doesn’t sound too bad, One Thousand Voices fires a literal explosive laser beam that decimates everything in its path.

Though Bungie doesn’t seem too bothered by this, in fact, the devs have encouraged players to abuse the bug telling Guardians to “go have fun” with their newfound levels of power.

One Guardian revealed just how powerful unlimited One Thousand Voices ammo is, by showcasing how fast they were able to clear out enemies in a match of Gambit. They were able to eliminate the Primeval in near seconds, making it impossible for the opposing team to keep up.

Aside from a potential limit on Gambit, the developers are more than happy to have players run rampant.

This isn’t the first time a bug has turned out better for Bungie too, with other crafting issues and exploits being allowed and actually being loved by much of the player base too.

The event will run until the weekly reset on September 10, giving players a good amount of time to mess about it if they want.

After that time though, the Exotic will return to its normal, more balanced state, so make sure to make use of it while you can.