Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2023: Start date & time, rewards, more

Liam Ho
Destiny 2 Guardian Games Banner

Destiny 2’s yearly clash of the Guardians has been confirmed for 2023. Here’s everything we know about the Guardian Games, including start time, rewards, and more.

Guardians in Destiny 2 have always had a rivalry with one another, with each class constantly trying to prove which is the best. Guardian Games is Bungie’s answer to that age-old question, providing players with an event and a competition in an Olympic-like manner.

According to Bungie’s Lightfall TWAB, Guardian Games will be returning in 2023 for Destiny 2. Guardian Games, like the year before, will involve several rewards and cosmetics for players, as well as some form of activity for players to compete in.


What are Destiny 2’s Guardian Games?

The Guardian Games are an event in Destiny 2 which pits Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans in a head-to-head competition to see who is the best class of them all.

Bungie determines this via what classes can accumulate the most points, which are gained by completing either activities or bounties.

destiny 2 guardian games
The Tower will also receive a makeover for the 2023 Guardian Games.

Alongside this, Bungie often offers sweet cosmetics that are Olympic themed, with each of the classes sporting its own color.

Guardian Games 2023 Start Date and Time

Bungie has confirmed that this year’s Guardian Games will start on May 2, 2023 (week 10 of Season of the Defiance). The Games will end on 23 May, meaning the event will go on for three weeks in total.

Start times are yet to be confirmed. However, it’s highly likely that the Guardian Games will start on the weekly reset. Therefore the Guardian Games for 2023 should start at 5 PM GMT/10 AM PT/1 PM ET.

Guardian Games 2023 Rewards

Guardian Games will also reward players who partake in the event, offering neat cosmetics in theme with the event. Similar to last year, Bungie is offering a sleek and smooth aesthetic with matching class colors as the new ornaments players can gain during the event.

Guardian Games 2023 Armor Image
2023’s Guardian Games will offer players new cosmetics.

As per usual, the event will come with a battle-pass like event card, which players can pay to opt into for bonus goodies. These include a new exotic emote, sparrow and ghost shell to pick up.

Like “The Title” from the previous year, a new weapon the Taraxippos will be added for this event. Taraxippos is a legendary kinetic scout rifle, able to roll with some pretty snazzy perks like Kill Clip and Outlaw.

Destiny 2 Guardian games armor and weapon rewards
Guardian Games will also offer a new armor set and weapon for players to grab.

Bungie will also reward the winning class of the event with a neat statue that remains in the tower until the next Guardian Games swings around.

Guardian Games 2023 Content

Point Scoring and Medallions

Guardians can score points by depositing medallions for their class in the tower. Medallions have 4 different levels and can be obtained by completing activities with varying difficulty.

  • Gambit and Quickplay Crucible matches will earn you bronze and silver medallions
  • Nightfalls, raids, dungeons, Competitive Crucible, Trials of Osiris, or Legend Defiant Battlegrounds will earn you gold and platinum
  • Contender Cards will be available for Glimmer and can award gold and platinum medallions, Guardians can hold one for Crucible and one for Strikes and Gambit for a total of two at a time

Dunking these medallions into the depository will help their class win the event, with players gaining rewards such as the new Taraxippos and a revamped The Title from previous years.

Guardian Games Cup

Guardian Games Cup 2023 Banner
The Guardian Games Cup has been opened up to the wider player base this year.

The Guardian Games Cup has been opened up to all players, allowing for some sweet rewards to be earned this time around. The Cup sees teams compete in the technical and charitable categories, with the leading teams earning custom art, pendants, emblems, and more.

  • The Technical category will track how many medallions a team has dunked within the event duration.
  • The Charitable category will track the total amount raised through the team’s Bungie Foundation sign-up page throughout the same period.

The top team in each category will receive a custom art piece of their fireteam as a reward.