Destiny 2 players beg Bungie to buff neglected Exotic Glaives

Kurt Perry
The three Exotic Glaives exclusive to each Destiny 2 class: Edge of Action, Edge of Concurrence, and Edge of Intent.

Destiny 2 players are calling for the three class-specific Exotic Glaives to receive huge buffs which would take them from being essentially irrelevant to legitimate options in the PvE meta.

The arrival of Season 16 and The Witch Queen DLC saw three new Exotic Glaives introduced into Destiny. These were the Edge of Concurrence, Edge of Action, and Edge of Intent.

All three Glaives are gotten through either the Evidence Board on Mars or by completing runs of The Wellspring. However, it’s debatable whether doing so is worth the time, with none being viable options in the current meta.

Now Destiny 2 players are calling for these forgotten Exotics to receive some needed love and they’ve got an idea of how to make them relevant.

Destiny 2 community calls for Exotic Glaives to get anti-champion perks

Guardians are calling for the three Exotic class-locked Glaives to each be given an anti-champion perk in an attempt to make them worth using.

A Reddit post proposing such an idea expressed: “Hello. I am here to bring you the truth. The class locked exotic glaives should each have an intrinsic anti-champion perk. Change my mind,” using the classic meme to make a point.

The suggestion was largely well received with responses including “Bungie Plz do this. This is a great idea OP,” and “That, is a great idea. Would instantly give dead Exotics life.”

As for which anti-champion perks each would get the most upvoted reply requested: “Warlock gets barrier, Titans get unstop, Hunters get overload.”

While the idea was popular some players doubted it would be enough: “Slapping any anti champion intrinsically does not make the glaives instantly good/fixed. It needs to do additional exotic-like features in addition to said anti champ abilities…”

Outside of the calls for new anti-champion perks, several Destiny 2 players also believe it’s time for the Exotic Glaives to get a catalyst. More specifically, a customizable catalyst similar to how Vexcalibur – another craftable Glaive – already works.