Destiny 2 players rage about reputation changes ahead of Festival of the Lost 2021

Lloyd Coombes
Destiny 2 Zavala and Ikora cutscene

Destiny 2 has been in a pretty positive spot recently, but fans are not happy at new reputation changes for bounties in Bungie’s loot-shooter.

Destiny 2 is about to kick off its Festival of the Lost event, but players are in no mood to celebrate after Bungie extended the grind to earn seasonal ornaments.

These cosmetics are awarded to the Ascendancy rocket launcher, the ritual weapon in Season of the Lost. While the gun is fairly easy to earn, its new visual options now require players to not only reset their rank in either Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit playlists – but then reach the rank of Legend, too.

That essentially means spending a lot of time in a single mode to grind out a new paint job for your rocket launch – and players took to the Destiny 2 subreddit to express their discontent.

Destiny 2's Ascendancy Rocket Launcher with its Crucible Ornament
Earning one of Ascendancy’s Ornaments is sure to be a grind.

Destiny 2 community angry about Ascendancy ornament quest

The post, which now has over one thousand upvotes, has been growing as players chip in with their disappointment. Originally discussing the lack of reputation earned from turning in bounties at each of the playlist’s respective vendors, some are wishing Bungie would revisit the prior strategy of having ornaments obtained by specific quests. Some of the Season of the Lost weekly challenges are even tied to earning these ornaments.

While some commenters suggested that the quest is lengthy because there’s such a long gap between Season of the Lost and Witch Queen, another said they checked their reputation stats after playing Destiny 2 for six weeks only to feel “crushingly deflated” at the lack of progress.

Others bemoaned the lack of powerful engrams available to boost overall power once a rank has been reset once, while others pointed out the slow path to increase Gambit reputation has never felt longer.

One comment went further, noting that “Bungie need to f**k off with all this artificial playtime bullshit.”

Still, one commenter noted that they like the current reputation system, pointing out that “it’s not exactly gating some crazy new weapon or anything”.

While Season of the Lost introduced new “activity streaks” for players enjoying multiple Strikes, Crucible matches, or Gambit matches in a row, it’s clear that plenty of fans feel that playing a single activity for hours for a weapon skin isn’t a great way to keep Guardians logged in.

For more on Destiny 2, be sure to check out everything we know about the Festival of the Lost – which could start as early as next week.