Destiny 2 Season 16 Iron Banner quest guide: What We Survive walkthrough & rewards

Brad Norton
Destiny 2 Iron Banner armor

Iron Banner has once again returned for another run in Season 16 of Destiny 2, and we’ve got a full walkthrough of the ‘What We Survive’ questline to help you out.

Another new Season means another round of Iron Banner action in Destiny 2. While various changes are now in effect to mix up Witch Queen-era rewards, one of the main draws for returning players is a full, new questline.

This time around, What We Survive is the quest in focus, offering up multiple challenges in exchange for various pieces of loot. If you’re grinding the PVP mode already, there’s no reason not to be focusing on this questline as well.

From what each step involves, to the rewards on offer, here’s all you need to know about the Season 16 Iron Banner quest in Destiny 2.


Destiny Lord Saladin
Lord Saladin is back to give Guardians yet another challenge in the Iron Banner playlist.

Destiny 2 Iron Banner Quest guide: What We Survive

No different from usual, the latest Iron Banner quest should take a good day or two of grinding in the PVP playlist. Each step is fairly simple so don’t expect to be truly challenged along the way. Rather, most tasks are purely time-consuming.

To kick things off, be sure to speak with Lord Saladin in the Tower in order to reach the first step.

Step 1: Flame in the Forest

In this first step, you should be able to complete all three challenges without much of a dedicated effort. Simply playing Iron Banner with Void or Solar weapons at the ready will see this full step smashed out in just a few quick games.

  • Defeat 30 Guardians
  • Capture 10 Zones
  • Get 15 Void or Solar final blows

Rewards: Frontier’s Cry hand cannon and Legendary gear.

Step 2: Blood For Bread

Up next is a similarly easy step that requires you to play six full games of Iron Banner. While you’re progressing through each match, it’s worth playing with a Hand Cannon to also knock out the third challenge in this step.

  • Complete 6 Iron Banner Matches
  • Capture 20 Zones
  • Get 15 hand cannon final blows

Reward: Legendary gear

Step 3: Lessons Well-Learned

Now at the halfway point, here’s where the action ramps up a bit. All in all, you have to pile up 100 eliminations in Iron Banner. While this is easy enough on paper, it’s another time-consuming step that could take another hour or two depending on your playstyle.

Destiny 2 had a huge PvP spike with the return of Iron Banner earlier this week.
These Iron Banner rewards won’t be around forever, so grab them before they’re gone.

It’s also worth playing with a Sniper or Glaive in hand for a little while to secure 10 easy eliminations on the way to completing this step.

  • Defeat 100 Guardians
  • Capture 30 Zones
  • Get 10 sniper or glaive final blows

Rewards: Razor’s Edge and Legendary gear

Step 4: Iron Will

Last but not least, the final three challenges require one last push in the Iron Banner playlist. 15 Super kills shouldn’t take too long but capturing 40 Zones may be a tall order.

If you’re struggling here, be sure to push the pace in every game as capturing Zones only takes a few seconds.

  • Get 15 Super kills
  • Capture 40 Zones
  • Get 5 sword or melee final blows

Reward: Legendary gear

Step 5: A Story Told

With each challenge now out of the way, just head back to Lord Saladin at the Tower to claim your Legendary Iron Banner rewards.

Now, you’re able to engage with Iron Banner Bounties to earn some Pinnacle Gear for the Season, making this quest all the more worthwhile.

For more on Destiny 2, be sure to check out our other content for the loot shooter.

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