Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted Iron Banner quest guide: Forging Iron walkthrough & rewards

Lloyd Coombes
Destiny 2 Iron Banner Forging Iron Quest Guide

Iron Banner is back in Destiny 2 with a Season of the Haunted quest. Here’s how to complete the Forging Iron quest in Destiny 2.

Destiny 2’s fan-favorite Iron Banner mode has seen a sizeable overhaul in Season of the Haunted, with the event now rolling around twice a season and rotating modes, too — with Rift kicking things off this time around.

There’s also a new seasonal Iron Banner quest. Not only will completing Forging Iron help you level up your season pass and Artifact, but you’ll also earn some great new rewards.

From what each quest step involves, to the rewards on offer, here’s all you need to know about the Forging Iron quest in Destiny 2.


Destiny Lord Saladin
Lord Saladin is back for Season of the Haunted

Destiny 2 Iron Banner Quest guide: Forging Iron

While Iron Banner quests are never very difficult, they do come with some unique quirks. For one, this iteration has been a little buggy, but we’ll try and cover the process in the most painless way possible.

It’s also worth mentioning that you’ll gain additional Iron Banner reputation for equipping Iron Banner weapons or armor and an Iron Banner emblem, so it might be worth raiding your vault to see what you have or using transmog to equip some ornaments (these count, too). You can buff your reputation gains with up to five pieces of armor/weaponry, but don’t go over — you may actually hamper your chances due to a bug!

Step 1: Complete a match in Iron Banner

First things first — get in the Iron Banner, and dish out some pain. You won’t need to win this first match, just ensure you complete it.

Step 2: Complete a Daily Challenge

Replacing Iron Banner bounties are Daily Challenges, and in a way, it’s a little more in line with Vanguard and Crucible challenges that require you to complete a trio of matches. The difference here is that you’ll need to complete three in one day, as opposed to three in a week.

Still, you don’t need to win them, and you’ll earn more of that lovely Iron Banner reputation, which in turn will help you earn more gear.

Step 3: Rank up

Speaking of Iron Banner reputation, you’ll need 300 rank points to complete this stage of the Forging Iron quest in Destiny 2.

The good news is that there’s a good chance you’re already well on your way if you equipped some armor and have completed the prior steps; the daily challenge doubles your rank boost, and your gear and emblem help you to an additional 2.4 multiplier. Hit all of those quotas, and you’ll more than quadruple your rank point gains, and that goes up if you string together a few wins.

Destiny 2 had a huge PvP spike with the return of Iron Banner earlier this week.
These Iron Banner rewards won’t be around forever, so grab them before they’re gone.

Step 4: Obtain an Iron Engram

For step 4, you’ll need to grab an Iron Engram from Lord Saladin/Valus Forge. Trials of Osiris fans will notice the similarities to Saint-14’s Trials Engrams, meaning once you’ve unlocked a piece of gear you can now re-roll subsequent engrams to get variations of that gear.

Step 5: Speak to Saladin

The easiest step of the quest, speak to Lord Saladin/Valus Forge and you’ll complete the quest.

Iron Banner weapons and rewards

The following can be earned through the Iron Banner in Season of the Haunted:

  • The Wizened Rebuke Arc Fusion Rifle
  • The Hero’s Burden Void SMG

The Occluded Finality sniper rifle, and Finite Impactor hand cannon, were removed with the start of Season of the Haunted.

For more on Destiny 2, be sure to check out our other content for the loot shooter.

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