Destiny 2 Reaper Seasonal title: All required Triumphs for Season of the Haunted title

Lloyd Coombes
Destiny 2 Scythe key art

Destiny 2’s Season of the Haunted is here, and adds a new title to earn: ‘Reaper’. Here’s how you can claim it for yourself in Destiny 2.

Destiny 2 is now into its fifth year of content, and Season of the Haunted adds a whole host of new content alongside new titles for players to chase.

As with most Destiny 2 seasons, players can expect a new seasonal activity, as well as a new season pass and seasonal artifact, but hardcore players will want to earn the game’s new title: Reaper.

Essentially acting as a way to show off your accomplishments and show you mean business in whatever activity you’re in, here’s how to earn the Reaper title in Destiny 2: Season of the Haunted.


Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted key art
Can you become the Reaper?

What is the Season of the Haunted title in Destiny 2?

Destiny 2’s titles are a way to signify your achievements, existing below your character’s name in the open world or in activities. Some, like Dredgen, are tied to specific activities (Gambit, in Dredgen’s case), while others are seasonal.

Reaper is the latest one to arrive, and while it doesn’t require you to earn every single Triumph that the season has to offer, it’ll still give you plenty to work toward.

All required Triumphs for Season of the Haunted title

There are ten Triumphs that you’ll need to complete in order to earn the title of Reaper.

  • Severance: Complete the Bound in Sorrow mission.
  • Vendor Upgrades Unlocked: Unlock all upgrades for the Crown of Sorrow.
  • Tritainment: Successfully defeat each Tier 3 Nightmare Containment boss: Elykris, the Machinist; Anaphex, Sworn to Otzot; and Navota, Eir-Spawn.
  • Harvester of Sorrows: Bind Nightmares after completing Tier 3 Nightmare Containment activities.
  • Malicious Haunt: Defeat combatants and Guardians with Season of the Haunted weapons. Defeated Guardians grant additional progress.
  • Reaper’s Blade: Defeat combatants on the Derelict Leviathan with the Scythe.
  • Opulent Avarice: Open locked chests with Opulent Keys on the Derelict Leviathan.
  • Hear, Don’t Head: In Sever activities, find and listen to all six of Calus’ automatons.
  • #1 Fan: Collect all of the Calus Effigies and place them in the H.E.L.M.
  • Shadow’s Return: Defeat dangerous loyalist threats while exploring the Derelict Leviathan Destination and claim the associated triumphs.

In case you’re wondering, the Bound In Sorrow mission is a seasonal story that unfolds week on week.

Shadow’s Return, though, is a little more complex as it’s essentially 12 different seals in one.

  • Fever Dream: Clear Haunted Alcoves and kill the following:
    • Sporest of Beasts: Kill Nightmare of Carun, Beastmaster.
    • Nightmare Breached: Kill Nightmares of Kra’lok, the Sword, and Ha’lok, the Shield.
    • Drainage: Kill Nightmare of Qalec, the Sniper.
    • Ritual Under Shadow: Kill Nightmare of Sy’ad, the Unending.
  • A Guardian is a Guardian, Even in a Nightmare: Defeat Calus Loyalists onboard the Derelict Leviathan.
    • At the Behest of the Empress: Kill Au’gor, Devoted of Calus and Jai’ek, Supplicant of Calus.
    • Exile Ended: Kill a Loyalist commander and release its prisoner.
    • Battle Lines: Kill a Loyalist force defending its territory.
    • Shared Fears: Kill Cek’ik, Seeker of the Deep.
  • Get to Taking Out Their Commanders, One by One: On the Derelict Leviathan, kill Nightmare of Ky’leks, the Docked, and Nightmare of Evoks, the Burned in the Royal Pools area.
  • Controlled Burn: On the Derelict Leviathan, kill Nightmare of Tlazet, Fed to Beasts, and Nightmare of Uaoc, Spine Breaker in the Pleasure Gardens area.

So, there you have it – that’s all you need to know about the seasonal title in Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted. For more on the game, check out our other guide content:

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