Destiny 2 streamer misses out on Witness kill after being interrupted by their child

Liam Ho
Destiny 2 The Witness

The Destiny 2 streamer Gothalion shared a funny clip on social media that saw him miss out on killing the Witness in Salvation’s Edge after his child took over his Steam account.

Destiny 2’s The Final Shape had one of the most challenging and difficult raids ever released. Salvation’s Edge showcased five grueling encounters, with the fourth encounter Verity stumping raid teams for hours on end. And once you finish that, you’re then challenged by the Witness themself.

The Witness was no pushover either, taking plenty of time for fireteams to figure out and eventually clear.

And the last thing you’d want is to finally beat the boss, only to disconnect right as you land the killing blow. But that’s exactly what happened to streamer Gothalion, who shared the clip on Twitter.

Gothalion had just taken down the Witness and was ready to reap the rewards. Unfortunately, his game suddenly crashed, causing his Steam to suddenly close as well and leaving his entire fire team confused.

“Did my game just f**king crash?” the streamer questioned.

Echoes of disbelief rung throughout the fire team, with other Guardians watching Gothalion’s character disappear from the game. Empathetic groans were heard for Gothalion’s sake, leaving the streamer even more confused as to what happened.

Finally being able to reopen Steam, he navigated back to the Destiny 2 page and hit play, only to be met with a hilarious message.

“You are logged in on another computer already playing Bluey: The Videogame. Launching Destiny 2 here will disconnect the other session from Steam.”

Reading out the message, the shocked streamer explained the situation; “[My son] Brad just kicked me off right when we finished the raid.”

Fortunately, Gothalion’s fire team was kind enough to run the final encounter once more so that he could get his well-deserved loot.