Destiny 2 The Final Shape server issues leave players stuck in queue for hours

Carver Fisher
Destiny 2 Guardians wearing new armor

Destiny 2 The Final Shape marks the final chapter of Destiny 2’s saga, the conclusion of a storyline that started with the original Destiny almost 10 years ago. And, with so many players vying to experience that story, the servers haven’t been able to handle everyone trying to join.

Even considering the DLC’s massive file size that’d require a lengthy download, the servers were almost immediately overloaded. Hours after launch, players still can’t get in. And, according to those in both the Steam reviews and on Twitter/X, there’s a chance of getting kicked out even if you manage to get in.

“Absolutely disappointed in the fact that I paid $60 for an expansion that I can’t even play,” a Steam user claimed. “Been waiting 3 hours to get in, I want my money back.”

“I just don’t understand why we constantly have these server issues every expansion lol how do they still not learn,” said one X user.

Bungie has confirmed its looking into these issues, but players aren’t giving up on trying to brute force their way into the game.

Bungie has since confirmed Destiny 2 is going through “background maintenance,” as developers try to fix sign-in issues while keeping the game live for The Final Shape’s launch.

Server issues aren’t anything new for Destiny 2’s expansions, since the wealth of new content attracts a ton of players who haven’t touched the game in a while. Its nature as an always-online game requires players to log in, so servers getting overloaded makes sense.

However, with the hype behind The Final Shape bringing in a player count of almost 300k on Steam alone, it’s safe to say Bungie probably wasn’t expecting their servers to be under this much load.

What’s worse, there isn’t a formal queue players can wait in like, say, Final Fantasy XIV, a game that famously had to stop selling copies for a time because servers got so backed up. Players stuck in the queue have to keep trying to log in if they want a chance at playing the new expansion.

Bungie has been posting regular updates on how server maintenance is going, and we’ll keep you updated on if the situation improves.