Destiny 2 Titan mains call for changes following poor Raid performance

Joe Pring
Destiny 2's Saint-14 character

Destiny 2’s latest Raid, Salvation’s Edge, has exposed a discrepancy in class balance and players want changes.

On June 8, Team Parabellum became the first Fireteam to clear Salvation’s Edge in Contest Mode with not a Titan in sight. Following the World’s First clear, subsequent completions revolved around using a Fireteam composition of one Warlock (for support) and five Hunters.

The reason for this comes down to Still Hunt, a new Exotic sniper rifle introduced in The Final Shape, that boasts strong synergy with the Exotic Hunter helmet, Celestial Nighthawk. The pairing made meeting DPS checks for the Raid’s final encounter easier.

The knock-on effect of this is obvious. The first Fireteam containing a Titan to finish the Raid came in 32nd place. According to a summary posted on Reddit, just three Titans were present in the top 50 teams.

destiny 2 final shape salvation's edge
Titans were a rare sight during Contest Mode for Salvation’s Edge

As expected, Titan mains have been vocal about the poor showing, calling for Bungie to review its design philosophy for the class.

“Titans need a complete philosophy rework. Yes, the ‘wall on which the Darkness breaks’ is a cool idea but for some reason, Bungie has decided that this means that it is melee-focused,” said one commenter on a Reddit thread lamenting the lack of representation for Titans.

Another placed the blame squarely at the feet of Still Hunt. “By the simple of Still Hunt, EVERY single Contest Raid boss is going to be five Hunters and one Warlock. If they remove the Celestial functionality with it, it’ll alleviate this issue entirely.”

“I don’t even know what Bungie wants Titans to be anymore,” another said, adding “They’ve been getting complaints for years about the direction of Titan philosophy being controversial at best.”

Despite the general sentiment agreeing that Titans need some love, it’s worth noting that Salvation’s Edge is no longer in Contest Mode. With DPS checks no longer being as strict, the Titan population will hopefully enjoy a rebound.