Destiny 2’s new Linear Fusion demands you farm The Dawning for its multiple god rolls

Joe Pring
destiny 2 mistral lift

The Dawning has returned to spread Festive joy and close out 2024 in Destiny 2, and there are some tasty rewards up for grabs.

As usual, Guardians can use Eva Levante’s special oven to bake cookies with ingredients obtained from various activities and deliver them to their favorite NPCs for loot, including a newly minted Linear Fusion Rifle.

Mistral Lift, along with Dawning weapons added in previous years, can be focused at Eva for one Gift in Return and 25 Dawning Spirit per copy.

That’s something of a steep ask when the former, from first-hand experience, is an uncommon reward from delivering cookies, but you should at least have no trouble earning Dawning Spirit with our guide.

The setup

You’ll need to unlock the ability to focus weapons at Eva by purchasing the Giftwrapped and Limited Exchange Tickets for a total of 70 Dawning Spirit.

I’d also strongly recommend grabbing the Perky Presents upgrade for another 35 Dawning Spirit, as this will grant the chance for each weapon to drop with multiple perks in the left column.

This is particularly important in the case of Mistral Lift, which has two very distinct god rolls you’ll want to be on the lookout for.

Mistral Lift god rolls – Meta analysis

God roll 1God roll 2
Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
Battery: Enhanced Battery
Perk 1: Envious Arsenal
Perk 2: Bait and Switch
Masterwork: Charge Time
Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
Battery: Enhanced Battery
Perk 1: Withering Gaze
Perk 2: Precision Instrument
Masterwork: Charge Time
destiny 2 the dawning mistral liftMistral Lift has two god rolls worth farming for.

Out of any Linear Fusion Rifle available in Destiny 2 as of Episode Revenant, Mistral Lift boasts the most versatile perk pool by a country mile, with incredible rolls available for support-focused damage as well as pure DPS.

Arrowhead Brake and Enhanced Battery are what you’ll want to prioritize for both for the greatly reduced recoil and increased magazine size respectively.

Divergence begins with basic trait perks, with the first sought-after combo being Envious Arsenal with Bait and Switch, which complement each other perfectly. The former will automatically reload Mistral Lift from reserves after dealing damage with your other two weapons, while the latter grants a 30% damage buff for 10 seconds for the same action.

Alternatively, you can go the route of Withering Gaze and Precision Instrument to retool Mistral Lift into the Linear Fusion equivalent of Divinity. The former perk weakens targets after a short delay of ADS, while the latter retains some DPS functionality with a stacking precision damage buff

While Linear Fusions aren’t exactly meta right now – Heavy GLs dominate the heavy slot thanks to Revenant’s artifact perks – there’s no telling what the future will bring.

Heretic’s launch in February could see Bungie bring them back to relevance, but until then, Mistral Lift is an incredibly versatile tool that still dishes out solid DPS and is worth farming if for no other reason than to future-proof.

Already got your desired Mistral Lift roll? Start farming Glacioclasm’s new PvP-focused god roll ASAP.