Former Bungie employee reveals why “dream” Destiny 2 feature hasn’t happened

Joe Pring
destiny 2 the last city

A former Bungie employee shed light on why Destiny 2 has never received a feature commonly found in other online games, despite it being popular internally.

In general, player housing or similar alternatives are a staple in MMOs and online RPGs. Frequently cited as one of Destiny’s biggest competitors, Digital Extremes’ Warframe allows players to customize their ships and living quarters with various upgrades and to display their achievements for others to see.

While Destiny 2 does have methods of facilitating the latter, they’re largely confined to simple profile customizations such as Emblems and Titles.

In a January 13 X/Twitter post, Destiny 2 content creator Forcer reignited the conversation. “Real talk, how has Destiny not added player housing? This feels like a goldmine for playtime, player enjoyment & investment, and monetization?”

Roaming Guardians

In addition to attracting agreement from Destiny 2 streamer Aztecross, Forcer’s comments prompted Liana Ruppert, former community manager and accessibility lead at Bungie, to provide insight on why Guardians never had a digital home to call their own during their time with the studio.

“Oh man, so many devs wanted this when I was there,” Ruppert said, adding, “It’d be so dope but phew would a lot of things need to change in the game and resource-wise internally to make that happen with the ROI at a level that would mark it as a beneficial inclusion. The dream.”

In a follow-up video discussing Ruppert’s comments, Aztecross countered with the argument that not every proposed feature needs to have a direct financial return on investment.

“Listen, there are some things that can’t be quantified. I wonder if Final Fantasy XIV looked at their clan housing and thought to themselves ‘Should we give them 300 options for curtains? What’s the return on investment here?’ You see where I’m coming from? Sometimes, the return on investment is goodwill and retention.”

It’s worth noting that Ruppert left Bungie in 2023 as a result of layoffs, so it’s possible that the studio’s view on player housing may not reflect the situation today. With that said, the developer has never indicated that any such feature is in the works for Destiny 2.