Funny Guns are dead as Bungie fixes Destiny 2’s insane crafting glitch

Kurt Perry
Glitched Funny Gun Ammit AR2 with shotgun aggresive frame in Destiny 2.

Over the weekend, Destiny 2 players discovered one of the biggest exploits in the looter shooter’s history, but now the ability to make and use the so-called “Funny Guns,” is over after Bungie patched the crafting glitch and restored all affected weapons.

On September 15, an exploit involving a weapon crafting glitch was discovered that allowed players to combine frames and perks across multiple weapons. It didn’t take long for the Destiny community to figure out the potential for this bug.

The result was shotgun Ammit-AR2s, insta-kill Vexcaliburs, and even Heavy Grenade Launchers that were basically firing nuclear warheads. The Funny Guns that resulted from this bug are easily amongst the most broken in Destiny history with players managing to solo raid bosses using them.

However, the fun couldn’t last forever and as promised Bungie has now stepped in to bring an end to the game-breaking exploit.

Destiny 2 crafting glitch has been patched after chaotic weekend

Bungie has patched the crafting glitch and restored all affected weapons effectively bringing an end to the Funny Guns era with the fix going live in the early hours of September 18.

Announcing the patch Bungie Help tweeted: “UPDATE: In the first of multiple updates, which is going live shortly, a selection of Exotic and Legendary frames and perks on crafted weapons will be temporarily disabled. Crafted weapons can still be equipped.”

“This includes Osteo Striga, Revision Zero, Dead Man’s Tale, Dead Messenger, Vexcalibur, and all three Exotic class glaives. This will not affect any versions of these that exist that were not crafted. We’re currently building a second fix focused on replacing illegitimate perks on crafted weapons,” the Destiny developer confirmed.

Following this post, Destiny 2’s servers were taken down and everyone was disconnected. Once Guardians got back online their glitched Funny Guns had been amended now acting just like regular weapons.

Interestingly, the glitched frames are still visible when hovering over a previously crafted weapon. For example, the infamous shotgun Ammit will still display as an Aggressive Frame although this is purely cosmetic and has no impact in-game.

For the time being, rollbacks are not anticipated with Bungie previously confirming it was not something it was looking into. That means Guardians will most likely get to keep any loot and triumphs acquired by using the glitched weapons.