Blizzard apologizes to Diablo 4 players as launch week server issues ensue

Liam Ho
Lorath in Diablo 4

Blizzard has taken to social media, apologizing to Diablo 4 players after the game’s servers suffered from outages and error codes across the board on June 8.

Diablo 4 has been nothing but a success for Blizzard in the early goings. The ARPG has taken the internet (and World) by storm with players and critics alike raving about the title. The game also saw great viewership numbers on streaming platforms such as Twitch, where content creators like shroud participated in a competition to reach level 100.

The most recent installment of the game sees it transform into a live service format. The developers will be releasing content on a quarterly season basis, with larger expansions for story content dropped occasionally. As such, the game will be only playable online, meaning players will need to maintain a constant connection to the server to play.

This wouldn’t normally be a problem in this day and age, with how many players have strong internet connections. However, it appears that Blizzard’s servers aren’t handling the always-online agreement quite as well as expected.

Diablo 4’s servers have had a bit of a rough time during launch week, with many players receiving the error code 300202, preventing them from entering the game. The developers have come forward to apologize for the issues, as excited players have vented their frustrations about not being able to play.

General Manager for Diablo Rob Fergusson also came forward and apologized, stating in a tweet, “We’re aware of the issues and are working as fast as we can to rectify it. Thank you for your patience.”

The server issues came in the wake of the first level 100 hardcore character mysteriously vanishing after a server disconnection, putting the player base in a frenzy.

While Blizzard has claimed to fix the most pertinent issue at this time, with login issues now being resolved, there are still plenty of players encountering server problems.

Blizzard is currently working on more fixes for Diablo 4’s servers, hopefully allowing its excited fan base back into Sanctuary sometime soon.