Diablo 4 solo players can look forward to better boss farming in the future

Brianna Reeves
diablo 4 boss farming

While the changes go live in Season 4, a Diablo 4 developer has promised boss farming for solo players will eventually improve.

Overcoming Diablo 4’s endgame boss battles remains the best way to unlock the most powerful loot, thanks to changes made in Season 2.

Those who play the game solo are at a disadvantage, though. To summon an endgame boss, a four-player group only needs one teammate to fork over their carefully acquired materials. Afterward, the rest of the crew can reap the rewards.

This puts solo Diablo users in a difficult spot since they never get a break from spending their own mats for summoning. Associate Game Director Joe Piepiora has given solo players hope that this will change sometime in the future.

In an interview with PCGamer, the developer said that while the necessary adjustments for such a change aren’t likely to arrive in Diablo 4 Season 4, the crew at Blizzard is working on a solution.

Piepiora told the outlet, “This is stuff that we’re talking about internally, that we have some thoughts on. I don’t know that we’re making any big changes for Season 4… But there are some changes that we do want to make to it in the future to basically reward the player who is spending more of the summoning materials and give some value to players who are helping that first player, but not as much.”

Based on Piepiora’s comment, Diablo 4 developers haven’t worked out how they plan on better rewarding players who prefer boss farming solo. Clearly, a release time for the improvements hasn’t been decided on, either.

But the adjustments could prove game-changing whenever an update finally arrives. For now, many users resort to forums, Reddit threads, and the like to find groups for their boss farming needs.