Diablo 4 buckles as player farms hundreds of millions of Gold in one Infernal Horde

Ethan Dean
diablo 4 gold

A Diablo 4 player almost crashed the game after farming hundreds of millions of Gold in a single Infernal Horde run.

Diablo 4 Season 5 has had a couple of bumps in the road with certain issues causing players to dub it the “Season of Infernal Bugs”. Despite the hardship, the wave-based Infernal Hordes activity has managed to keep people interested.

Infernal Hordes have been called ‘the best thing to happen to Diablo 4’ by some, and have completely outstripped the Artificer’s Pit for endgame supremacy. Now players have another reason to sing the praises of Infernal Hordes.

Reddit user CaineMoon took to the Diablo 4 sub to detail a legendary Infernal Hordes run in which they farmed over 1,000 Burning Aether. They dropped it all on an insane 148 million gold and the rapid currency gain ‘almost crashed their game’.

It’s safe to say that the Gold issues still plaguing Diablo 4’s endgame in Season 4 are well and truly fixed. Allowing players to select Gold as one of the spoils of Hell in Infernal Hordes gives players access to vast amounts of the resource whenever they need it.

In another post on the Diablo 4 Subreddit, players praised Blizzard’s decision as a massive step towards neutralizing the black market Gold sales plaguing the community.

“By putting the option for so much fast and easy gold into the Infernal Hordes, they are quickly pushing gold out as a currency in trade,” the original poster explained.

Of course, there is still the issue of potentially crashing Diablo 4 if you decide to push your Gold farm to these absurd levels. Other players are reporting crashes on PlayStation 5 when spamming the Spoils of Hell for Gold.

It might be tempting to imitate CaineMoon’s massive farm but we advise limiting yourself depending on the power of your hardware.