Diablo 4 devs address Masterworking cost issues plaguing PlayStation users

Ethan Dean
Diablo 4 PlayStation

Diablo 4’s most recent patch drastically reduced the Gold cost for Masterworking gear. Unfortunately for PlayStation users, an issue with the UI has made things a little confusing.

Diablo 4 Season 4 adds a host of new crafting mechanics that have been well-received by players for the most part. Chief among them is Masterworking, a new endgame upgrading mechanic that pushes your gear into overdrive.

After some testing in the game’s first-ever PTR, Blizzard revealed that Masterworking would cost significantly more Gold when Diablo 4 Season 4 launched. Since then, they’ve backtracked a little and scaled down the cost of Masterworking in the most recent patch.

For PlayStation users, however, there has been a bit of an issue with the game’s UI not reflecting this change in cost. Initially brought up in Blizzard’s forums, it’s stopping players from getting an accurate read on their Masterworking.

Diablo 4 Season 4 PTR Masterworking
Masterworking increases a random Affix on your weapon or armor.

Community Manager Adam Fletcher, who goes by PezRadar on the forums, has let the Diablo 4 community know that Blizzard is aware of the issue. “We’ve seen reports from PlayStation users that tooltips are still showing the old costs for Masterworking upgrades and don’t seem to represent the new costs for 1.4.1,” he said.

The issue goes a little deeper than that though. While PlayStation players can Masterwork items at the new cost, the tooltip issue won’t allow them to Masterwork gear unless they have the amount of Gold that it cost previously.

In essence, a similar amount of grinding is still required actually Masterwork Gear, you just have leftovers at the end. Fortunately, it seems like Blizzard is hard at work on a solution.

“This is a tooltip-specific issue with PlayStation that will be updated in the next client patch,” Fletcher promised. Unfortunately, There’s no specified date for that patch as of yet, and PlayStation players’ Diablo 4 experience will be hampered until it drops.