Diablo 4 players recommend “easy” dungeon to find Forgotten Altars in Season 7
Blizzard EntertainmentDiablo 4 players insist Hoarfrost Demise is a good place to start for anyone still searching for the hard-to-find Forgotten Altars.
Witchcraft Powers count as the main attraction for the Season of Witchcraft, providing players with new ways to customize their character builds.
Players can unlock the Eldritch, Psyche, and Growth and Decay powers by visiting the Tree of Whispers and upgrading the Witches’ Altars with Restless Rot currency.
But Diablo 4 Season 7 also includes Lost Witchcraft Powers, which users can only learn after finding Forgotten Altars. Due to the game’s RNG, these Altars have proven difficult to track down. Some players believe one dungeon helps expidite the search.
Hoarfrost Demise is a fast way to find Forgotten Altars in Diablo 4
For those still struggling to encounter Forgotten Altars in Sanctuary, players have recommended doing the Hoarfrost Demise dungeon located in the Fractured Peaks.
One user in Diablo 4’s subreddit said running this dungeon on World Tier 4 – as a regular dungeon – should help with Altars, since players can breeze through the area without killing enemies. If an Altar doesn’t appear, there’s no harm in leaving, resetting, and trying again.
The Redditor argued, “It’s a really small dungeon with a super easy layout and makes it very easy to spot the altar. Just make sure you have a potion on and it’s on T4…”
Several Diablo 4 fans replied to the helpful tip saying they stumbled across Forgotten Altars after only a few Hoarfrost Demise runs. Meanwhile, a few others said they still haven’t had any luck.
It all comes down to RNG in the end but many Diablo 4 faithful still believe Hoarfrost Demise is the best bet for encountering Forgotten Altars.
In a different thread where the OP called Forgotten Altars a “myth,” another D4 player said the “normal dungeon method really works,” then shouted out Hoarfrost Demise.
They explained, “Go to Hoarfrost Demise and run it as a normal dungeon (not nightmare). T4 will work best and be sure to have a whisper elixir running. All 4 of mine appeared on the 2nd floor.”
Again, success is contingent on RNG, yet it appears that exploring Hoarfrost Demise serves as best chance a player has at getting lucky.