Diablo 4 invincibility bug is ruining PvP and players are not happy

Brianna Reeves
diablo 4 invincible bug

A bug that turns Diablo 4 players invincible is ruining PvP gameplay, according to those upset about the ongoing issue.

Diablo 4’s PvP offering takes place in the Fields of Hatred, tainted battlefields spread across specific areas of Sanctuary. Players have the ability to enter these areas at leisure to face off against other players and slay Lilith’s underlings.

Notably, the PvP mode comes packed with rewards that can’t be found by only playing the single-player campaign. Seeds of Hatred constitute a commodity exclusive to PvP, for example. The Red Dust currency is similarly available in the player-versus-player mode.

Converting Seeds of Hatred into Red Dust stacks up the PvP-specific currency, which proves useful when buying special items such as armor cosmetics, Cursed Scrolls, and more. This mode isn’t always a walk in the park, yet players recently found a bug that further complicates things.

Diablo 4 fans discover PvP bug that makes players invincible

In late August, a player created a bug report on the Diablo 4 Forums (via GamesRadar), specifically calling out an issue involving the PvP zone’s “immortal bug.”

The Diablo 4 fan relayed the information based on gameplay footage provided by a Korean YouTuber. As seen in the video below, the user has no problem taking out a few enemies early on. Soon thereafter, however, they face another user who seems impossible to kill.

The YouTuber shared the following in the video description: “The user who attacked me is using a random teleport scroll in the pvp zone to maintain an invincible state and slaughter [other] users.”

Replies to the original Diablo 4 Forums message indicate players are, understandably, upset about the invincible bug impacting PvP zones. “A lot of top PvPers are abusing this too, especially in the PvP tournaments. This is a serious bug and whoever abused this, should have some kind of consequences,” one person wrote.”

Someone else claimed the exploit is being used to farm Red Dust currency. The comment reads, “I saw this exploit today, this player was using this exploit to farm lots of gold and red dust since no other players or any monsters can attack them as they are forever in immune mode.”

The hope is that Blizzard will soon issue a fix because the exploit’s managed to “ruin the gameplay.” Whether or not such an update will arrive in the near future remains a mystery.