Is there a Secret Cow Level in Diablo 4?

Sam Smith
secret cow level

Secret Cow Levels have long been a staple of Diablo games, but will Diablo 4 feature these murderous farm animals in future updates?

Fans of Diablo 2 will remember unlocking the Secret Cow Level, an area that required a special portal to reach and was home to killer Hell Bovines armed with Halberds. These cows all simply chanted “moo” in monotone, and even had an overpowered Cow King who could only be taken down by powerful players.

The Secret Cow Level eventually resurfaced in Diablo 3, but so far, no sign of the level has been seen in Diablo 4. However, there is some evidence that it will arrive one day. Here’s everything we know about the Secret Cow Level in Diablo 4.

secret cow level
Hell Bovines will attack those who enter their farm in Diablo 2.

Does Diablo 4 feature a Secret Cow Level?

No, Diablo 4 doesn’t currently have a Secret Cow Level – but that doesn’t mean it won’t forever.

Diablo 4’s general manager, Rod Fergusson has said in the past that Diablo 4 does not feature a Secret Cow Level, as they want to keep the game “grounded” and in line with the darker tone when compared to the more cartoonish Diablo 3.

However, the original Secret Cow Level was unlockable in the famously grimdark Diablo 2 and didn’t take anything away from the setting. It’s possible though that the developers are keen to steer away from the style of Diablo 3, due to the criticism of the game’s art style, and culling the Hell Bovines is simply part of that strategy.

In an interview with Kinda Funny, Fergusson said:

“We really wanted to ground [Diablo 4] as much as possible. We’ve had some fun, but we wanted to make sure it felt authentic to the gothic, dark themes we had. And because of that, there’s no secret level in Diablo 4 that people might be looking for, as per previous games.”

However, Fergusson could also just be trying to throw players off the scent of cow manure.

Original secret cow level
The Secret Cow level started in Diablo 2.

Evidence for the Secret Cow Level

While the Secret Cow Level hasn’t been found in Diablo 4, the game does feature some references to the hidden level. The mention of the “Oxen Gods” for example has raised some eyebrows, but it’s the inclusion of certain items that really has fans talking.

The Bloody Wooden Shard item that has a W carved into it is likely what’s left of Wirt’s Leg (a peg-legged boy from Diablo 1 who was killed in Tristram), and the Musty Tome item is also likely a reference to the Tome of Town Portal. Both items need to be combined in the Horadric Cube to open the portal to the Secret Cow Level in Diablo 2.

While their inclusion in Diablo 4 could just be a playful nod to the past, the items could become much more significant one day. It’s worth pointing out that upon release, Diablo 3 also didn’t feature a Secret Cow Level. A loading screen in Diablo 3 even stated “There is no Secret Cow Level” to hammer home the point.

However, this screen was eventually removed and the level was added. Yet it was accessed via a rift and not through using Wirt’s Leg and a Tome of Town portal, even though Wirt’s Leg is obtainable in Diablo 3 through The Darkening of Tristram event. In fact, it was the cows of Diablo 1’s Tristram that inspired the secret level in Diablo 2.

Diablo 4 Secret Cow Level Altar
The clues for a Secret Cow Level grow in Diablo 4.

Will Diablo 4 get a Secret Cow Level?

While we can confidently state that Diablo 4 doesn’t currently feature a Secret Cow Level, it’s entirely likely that one will be added in the future as part of a DLC expansion. After all, the level was added to Diablo 3 even after Blizzard initially made it clear such a level didn’t exist.

In an interview with IGN, Associate Game Director Joe Piepiora, and Production Developer Tiffany Wat said: “Sanctuary is not a good place to be, even as a cow. I will say, however, if people have picked up any items from their cow campaign… cow slay-age campaign… they should hang on to them.”

The items Watt is referring to are likely to be the Bloody Wooden Shard, Musky Tome, and Metallic Fragment you get from slaying 666 respective cows across Sanctuary. These items are used at the Ox Altar in Ked Bardu to summon a key to the Forlorn Hovel filled with sinister cows.

This is where the clues stop, at least for now. Yet this makes it pretty clear that a Secret Cow level in Diablo 4 has at least been prepared for, and that developers could possibly be waiting for the right moment to add it. Should The Darkening of Tristram come to Diablo 4, this could pathe the way to the Secret Cow Level, especially if it lets us restore Wirt’s leg.

Until the Hell Bovines descend on us, here’s everything you need to know about starting a new character, whether or not you should skip the campaign, and things you should do before starting the new season.

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