Diablo 4 hits all-time peak player count on Steam amid Season 4 success

Brianna Reeves
diablo 4 player count

The positive reception to Diablo 4 Season 4: Loot Reborn has helped the ARPG hit a new all-time player count on Steam.

Diablo 4 launched on Steam in October 2023 and immediately sat on the receiving end of a review bombing, much of which targeted Blizzard instead of the game itself.

This effort saw the game’s user rating on Steam hover in the realm of “Mixed” for several months. The negative response to Season 3 didn’t help turn the tide, but Season 4 has certainly had an impact, so far.

Season 4: Loot Reborn launched to rave reviews from the community, thanks in no small part to its itemization rework and overhauled endgame content offerings.

Fans have responded to the changes by flooding Diablo 4’s Steam page with positive reviews. As of writing, then, the game’s rating sits at “Mostly Positive.”

Diablo 4 is also enjoying a Steam resurgence in terms of its steadily climbing player count. A Reddit user pointed out on June 6 that the game had hit a new all-time 24-hour peak of 30,929 players.

Impressively, that record has already been broken. At the time of writing, Diablo 4’s 24-hour peak has topped 34,310 users according to SteamDB.

diablo 4 player count

Despite the positivity surrounding it, Diablo 4 Season 4 still has a few kinks to work out, including late-game balancing issues.

Fortunately, Blizzard developers have been proactive about tackling player feedback since Loot Reborn’s revival. The quick response to complaints about Masterworking‘s cost and material requirements serves as one example.

Plus, troubles with the difficulty balancing in The Pit endgame content will be ironed out once Diablo 4 Patch 1.4.2 drops. The update does not have a specific release date as of yet, but Blizzard will roll it out during the week of June 10.