Diablo 4 player achieves the impossible by hitting max levels for all seasonal characters

Josh Taylor
Diablo 4 Paragon Boards and Training Dummy

A passionate Diablo 4 fan has put an estimated 1000 hours into the game in order to reach the max level in all classes for every seasonal character.

As Season 1 of Diablo 4 has started to unwind, Blizzard has looked to turn their focus towards Season 2: Season of Blood, which launches on October 17.

The developers have already been seen boasting on social media, where they stated that they would need around 4 hours in order to showcase all of Season 2’s content.

This was soon roasted by the Diablo community, who remained less convinced, with some even stating that it was too late and they had stopped playing the game altogether.

Despite the backlash, one player has proven their dedication to still play Diablo 4 after they have put a suspected over “1000 hours” into the game to max out all of their seasonal characters.

Diablo 4 player achieves max level in all Classes with Seasonal Characters

The player shared his unbelievable achievement, which revealed he had reached the max level of 100 for all five seasonal characters, which all had different classes.

The author reveals that they had this goal and “went for it,” where they claimed they completed the task in just 9 weeks.

With this being no easy feat, the Diablo community erupted, as comments soon flooded in to praise the player, however, some were even left concerned.

“Oh wow – that’s some serious effort and commitment!.” one said.

“This is easily something like 200 Hours per character, which is total of 1000 hours.” a user said.

“get help man this amount of playtime is not healthy seriously,” another said.

After the influx of comments, he replied addressing those that were “concerned,” as he stated he did other things including working, sleeping, exercising, and watching movies, where he proceeded to call some commenters “bitter.”

A surprise September update has seen EXP being boosted and Seeds of Hatred fixed.